Just In
for Scars

1/15/2021 c2 neolove
Hey! I read this immediately after reading the part 1 of this story, i am so hooked on your writing! I love the way you portray jason and nicky as characters and their relationship together. Hope to see you update this in the future (:
7/9/2020 c2 Guest
I know it has been a long time since you updated so maybe you’ve forgotten about this story but it is really good and you are a really good writer. I would LLCE to see you continue this story!
7/4/2020 c2 Mishelle20
I love this story! Hope to read more soon.
3/12/2020 c2 15simbagirl
Great update! Thank you for writing a Bourne story with Nicky and Jason, there haven't been that many new ones in a while.

Can't wait to see where you go from here.
3/5/2020 c1 skatiefan
Thank you for writing. I wish there were more FanFiction about this couple. I really do like this pairing and wish the movies explored it more.

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