Just In
for Spells in Silence

2/3 c2 Creepy Draken
Oh woe was me everybody hates me cause I can’t talk. What kind of librarian and sees a small child under the age of 10 with no shoes on and then kick them out into literal snow? Who assumes that a child that age went to a cities public library by themselves without an adult? No she would be looking for their parent or calling the cops to get rid of her- not literally chasing her with a ruler
2/1 c48 Lukkai
Partial animagus transformation?

(and a very good overview over what some other characters have been up to. Filius with a big step towards healing)
1/26 c42 alphaprince0
oh no Hermione!
1/26 c39 alphaprince0
I wonder if mixing her magic with a house elf's magic had permanent effects. it would be interesting if it improved her teleportation and some of her intent based magic
1/26 c37 alphaprince0
the part of the letter that talked about teasing boys made me think of pairings and I hope Hazel is going to be paired with a female. maybe Luna Lovegood or Fleur Delacour would be good choices
1/26 c31 alphaprince0
great now you made me cry with the beginning part of the chapter
1/25 c28 alphaprince0
oh so a wand core CAN'T be added to her staff, hmm maybe ruins could be used to improve it instead? that's the only way I can think of to make improvements to it but that seems limiting in a way. since she can't use wand based spells that means she stuck with experimenting with her own style of magic and learning herbology, care of magical creatures, potions, arithmancy, runes, and divination while at Hogwarts. could you have her become an Animagus? that doesn't require a wand as far as I can recall
1/25 c27 alphaprince0
I'm glad she didn't discard using a staff to have a wand but I was hoping she could work together with Ollivander to improve her staff maybe incorporating a wand core into it somehow to improve its ability to channel her magic
1/25 c23 alphaprince0
the way she's snapping her fingers for sparks and fire reminds me of Roy Mustang from Full Metal Alchemist
1/25 c22 alphaprince0
I like that she is learning from multiple different sources so far she has learned from muggle books, nature, historical places, Werewolves, and Hags but I hope she learns from others such as Veela if she goes back to France, Goblins after she finds a Gringotts bank, Centaurs which she could find in a forest or even Greece if she goes there, Dwarves which she could find around a mountain of some kind, and Merpeople which she could find in a lake
1/25 c20 alphaprince0
while she's with the hags she could learn their knowledge of "The Making" magic and potions both of which would be useful. maybe she could eventually a use combination of "The Making" and knowledge of wandcrafting to turn her staff into a true magic focus
1/25 c19 alphaprince0
I really love that she's going down the druid and nature route for he magic. I also like that she has a staff since its another thing that makes her different from wizards/witches that use wands and maybe it could improved in various ways such as adding a crystal or animal skull at the head of the staff and incorporating something similar to a wand core inside of it with the help of her magic and a wand maker like Ollivander
1/25 c18 alphaprince0
I hope she learned how recognize and gather potion ingredients that grow in the wild
1/25 c17 alphaprince0
I hope she gets earings with more useful enchantments later
1/25 c16 alphaprince0
I'm curious if she's going to end up being part Fae or something similar since you've incorporated the Fae being real into the story
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