Just In
for Revelation

3/21/2024 c4 1Kiera Jedi Master
Love this hope to read a new chapter soon
12/21/2020 c4 Guest
where is the update!?
12/14/2020 c1 nick
Here are the 5 questions. 1. I saw the summary for the fanfic. But what else is there to the plot? 2. I see that this fanfic is Post-Stars. But could you be specific on when exactly it takes place? 3. It takes place in Tokyo, right? 4. Who all is in the fanfic? 5. How old is everyone in it? Hope you can clear this up.
8/15/2020 c4 7seireidoragon
This story is quite interesting and I can't wait to see Mamoru's reaction.
7/21/2020 c4 Guest
come on ! where are the updates? when are they coming? PLEASE!
5/29/2020 c4 lolopptt
Ooooooooo. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
5/25/2020 c4 47KageNoNeko
This chapter was interesting especially since it gives you how Ikuko found out about Sailor Moon.
5/13/2020 c3 lolopptt
Loving it! Can’t wait for a new chapter. Keep up the good work.
4/14/2020 c3 KageNoNeko
So no one never told Usagi's mom about everything. Huh, this is going to be very interesting.
4/13/2020 c3 22Astraearose-silvermoon
Love love loved it
4/9/2020 c2 47KageNoNeko
I am curious about what will happen next.
4/4/2020 c2 samanthasherman78
I like how this is going so far
3/9/2020 c2 phillynz
Oooo omg interesting and the generals are there also so cool. Cant wait to read more
3/8/2020 c1 phillynz
Interesting i wonder if she going pressure mamoru. Or is she going see ami transform
3/7/2020 c1 32Hasty
This is a really cool idea. We don't get to see much of Ami's mom in cannon, and I like that you've focused on her here. And, oh man, Haruka would be a nightmare patient for sure, double where Michiru is concerned. (I don't even want to think about what would happen if Saturn got hurt. Aggressive hovering, probably.)
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