Just In
for Doctor Sasori

6/13 c6 1FreakingLEM
still rereading this.
still gold. I'm rereading all of your stories for the fun of it.
12/21/2023 c1 1Ultimatrix bearer
I miss the comedy of the of the previous Sakura entries but this is good so far

11/5/2023 c6 Candyanimecane
awe cute please more
9/7/2023 c6 2Understanding-Logic
always love your work. can't wait for more. definitely a different start than how you ran sasori but I can't wait to read more.
8/6/2023 c1 jixuel
Why doesn't she use henge no jutsu (the one to change appearance) to treat the villagers? Frankly it's pretty stupid just to ask that nobody say anything about her to other people, she must be an old soul, yes?
5/29/2023 c6 3ChimamireNoBara22
This is an absolutely amazing story and I desperately hope that you continue it someday!
4/19/2023 c6 Guest
you haven't posted chapters in a while and i'm really looking forward to seeing more
4/7/2023 c6 jingerr
she's going to kill the dimeo! I bet
4/7/2023 c1 jingerr
I'm here! Happy Early Easter!
3/3/2023 c6 mutecebu
Blue... I mean yel-AAAAAAHHH.

I am so glad you continue to find time to write! Most impressive. Thank you for the wild ride with Sakura, and I'm glad to see she continues to have more adventures.
1/28/2023 c6 musa22lbl
I absolutely love all of your story. Can’t wait for the next update, so excited
1/22/2023 c6 Betta186
I'm loving this just how much I loved the prequel. Thank you .

Also, my favourite colours are the deep blue of the sky during the night or jade green
1/12/2023 c6 Guest
I read all of the other stories just to read this one haha. You're an amazing writer! I can't wait to see where you will take this story!
1/7/2023 c6 Sen M. Pheles
So happy to see you updating this! All the stories leading up to this one have been so entertaining and well-written too! Thank you for this chapter, it was a delicious read 3
12/31/2022 c6 Waffles.2244
Honest to goodness you really are one of my favorite authors, non-fanfiction authors included. I always come back to your stories and am never bored of them. You are amazing. Keep up the phenomenal work!
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