Just In
for A Shinobi Among Monsters

11/10 c13 jumpingwilkes
PURE ART the omake is, that is top tier kakashi bullshit.
10/31 c22 qalleesyawesome
i do enjoyed that all the old and ancient characters still does talk in the Gen Z language. which is hilarious! thanks for writing! hope for an update soon!
10/12 c8 4hallowmask123
I'm enjoying this alot 8 chapters and 7 chapter and I've had no complaints with this so far, unfortunately I just can't get my head around making pan evil
10/11 c17 6tarrangar
Naruto would potentially be able to juryrig taking away domains though, he has access to Kuramas seal, sealing a god into a mortal and drawing on their domains like Kushina and Mito drew on Kuramas power should be theoretically possible.

Aphrodite is spectacularly illsuited for this method though, because the mortal has to be ageless and trustworthy to keep the god sealed indefinitely, and the mortal will become a pseudogod of the gods domain, and a Hunter becoming the pseudogoddess of love wouldn’t exactly be a great idea.
10/10 c2 tarrangar
The Titans absolutely have tragic backstories, it’s just that said backstories are the result of them being evil, not why they’re evil, being cut to pieces by your own son and imprisoned in what’s basically hell is absolutely a tragic backstory, it’s just that you get less sympathy when prior to that you ate your own children, Atlas being forced to carry the sky for eternity which is basically eternal exhaustion is also a tragic backstory, but again he fought for the child eater, so he gets less sympathy.
10/9 c21 4BanzEye
It's gonna be like a less intense version of FGO Orion and Artemis.

All ahead full!
9/5 c22 6Mando-Vet
I sincerely hope you return to finish this story one day, it's far too good to be abandoned.
9/5 c21 Mando-Vet
Man, Kronos is such a douche...
9/5 c17 Mando-Vet
Dude... This was one of the most amazing fight scenes I've read in a fanfic... Well done!
9/5 c13 Mando-Vet
Lol, seeing Chiron go absolutely nuts was somehow therapeutic. And I hope you one day make another story where Kakashi is the protagonist, because those last few omake's had me crying with laughter XD
9/4 c10 Mando-Vet
Lol, I love how Naruto is driving the sisters of fate insane!
9/4 c1 Mando-Vet
Can't believe this is only the first chapter!
9/3 c22 Teemo
This is awesome
8/22 c3 RealmHeart
naruto with pikachu the unholy combination
7/14 c1 Zundluni
We all hate infecting greenland, we feel ya there. Lmao.
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