11/22/2024 c18 pegm4n
i can understand being frustrated. i hate when i enjoy a fic, only for it to be hald finished! But keep up what youre doing! i love this fic, and im glad i refound it, and im super stoked to have new chapters to read! this story has been so well written, and is such a joy to read!
i can understand being frustrated. i hate when i enjoy a fic, only for it to be hald finished! But keep up what youre doing! i love this fic, and im glad i refound it, and im super stoked to have new chapters to read! this story has been so well written, and is such a joy to read!
8/31/2024 c19 celticdragon22
Please update soon it's a really good story, ignore the gutless swine buggerer that's doesn't have the guts to have an account and hides behind being a guest
Please update soon it's a really good story, ignore the gutless swine buggerer that's doesn't have the guts to have an account and hides behind being a guest
8/11/2024 c3 Guest
This is BS and the author is mentally ill.
He wants me to believe that Petunia, the same Petunia that kept Harry in cupboard under the stairs when her house had a perfectly good empty room, and the same Petunia who basically forced a small boy to work like a slave, the same Petunia who NEVER ONCE celebrated Harry's birthday, did it all because she CARED ABOUT HIM?
Yeah, pull the other one, dumbass.
This is BS and the author is mentally ill.
He wants me to believe that Petunia, the same Petunia that kept Harry in cupboard under the stairs when her house had a perfectly good empty room, and the same Petunia who basically forced a small boy to work like a slave, the same Petunia who NEVER ONCE celebrated Harry's birthday, did it all because she CARED ABOUT HIM?
Yeah, pull the other one, dumbass.
2/12/2024 c1 Doosra
Come back! We miss you! This is a rare and beautiful story. Please don't leave it just by yhe wat...
Come back! We miss you! This is a rare and beautiful story. Please don't leave it just by yhe wat...
11/2/2023 c19 ajmd2
I liked your story a lot! Hopefully you're able to make it back and finish off what seems to be the final arc? The only note I have is that while I don't mind a story told in flashbacks that converge on the present, when there's so much time in the past the use of italics felt a little rough versus scene breaks or some other indicator. Thanks for writing!
I liked your story a lot! Hopefully you're able to make it back and finish off what seems to be the final arc? The only note I have is that while I don't mind a story told in flashbacks that converge on the present, when there's so much time in the past the use of italics felt a little rough versus scene breaks or some other indicator. Thanks for writing!
10/19/2023 c1 Lustlara52
Don't understand why he would even want Hermione when she was used by Ron already. Overall horrible story unless you want to read about one of his girls being used to then throw themselves at the MC after the fact. Just shows how easily they open their legs so its not even worth pursuing them.
Don't understand why he would even want Hermione when she was used by Ron already. Overall horrible story unless you want to read about one of his girls being used to then throw themselves at the MC after the fact. Just shows how easily they open their legs so its not even worth pursuing them.
3/12/2023 c1 jimmy.oz
Really is an interesting story i remember reading some of this but it needs more updates.
Really is an interesting story i remember reading some of this but it needs more updates.
1/20/2023 c19 Guest
Really sucks to hear about shana’s betrayal - I hope she comes to the realization that She needs to stop or redeem herself somehow. Regardless, I can’t wait to find out!
Really sucks to hear about shana’s betrayal - I hope she comes to the realization that She needs to stop or redeem herself somehow. Regardless, I can’t wait to find out!
12/20/2022 c1 GroveWolf
you misspelled lightning. But, what I am bothered by is that you have a flashback. why don't you start at where the flashback starts, do that story, then you skip forward into the future with a small summary of what happened. I lost interest.
you misspelled lightning. But, what I am bothered by is that you have a flashback. why don't you start at where the flashback starts, do that story, then you skip forward into the future with a small summary of what happened. I lost interest.
6/8/2022 c3 alsdjhfgljkwebgh
Good to see Harry going through all that training and then letting monsters live anyway.
Good to see Harry going through all that training and then letting monsters live anyway.