Just In
for the sky above

1/27 c1 ajbenavides1005
I started writing my own crossover of these two last week and yours and mine start really similarly. I love it! First chapter has me hooked. Makes me excited to finish my own. Can't wait to continue reading!
6/25/2021 c9 Mahope'ss
Amo esta historia, Mars es genial. Siento mucha pena por Serenity, espero que recuerde pronto y se reencuentre con su amiga. :(
1/10/2021 c1 silverhawk88
and i love crossovers! especially Akatsuki no Yona. it is a manga/anime that is largely overlooked. I wish they would continue the Anime.

This is a great start. you have me intrigued.
11/6/2020 c9 Tsovinar
Awww. And I hoped Rei to use her fire. Great chapter as always.
8/18/2020 c7 Tsovinar
Sometimes it's bad to stop too long on a single chapter. It will never be perfect. I have same problem from time to time. Anyway, I love this story. And it helps that Rei is my favorite. Keep up the good work! u
7/11/2020 c3 FluffaWumpkins
Wow! I can’t believe it. It’s been so long since I came on this site and this is the first story I’m met with! I’m not at all familiar with the anime(?) you’ve paired sailor moon up with, but I am familiar with your writing and I’m super excited to read more. I’m googling characters and story lines as I’m reading just so I can keep up.
5/25/2020 c5 Tsovinar
I love this story. Found it by accident but can't wait for more chapters. It’s pretty well written and Rei's my favorite too!
4/27/2020 c4 3Bananarock509
Oh my god! This is so perfect! I love these two fandoms! So happy to have found this story! Does Serenity need the Silver Crystal or is she just in a depression coma? Or something else?
4/22/2020 c3 9mystlady
Evil cliffhanger ;_; This was an awesome chapter. I should probably watch this series so I can get to know of the characters. I don't think I'll buy FF7 just yet, I'll wait till the price drops maybe once it becomes more cheaper for me. Bye for now.
4/11/2020 c3 James Birdsong
Good of course
4/7/2020 c2 mystlady
Awesome action, and wonderful chapter.
lol glad you're still remember me.
You should also check out Inuyasha crossover section, to be honest, they're alot more better written and storyline than Sailor Moon Crossover. That's my current obsession right now, unfortunately I lost interest again in Sailor Moon.
3/31/2020 c1 mystlady
hello its been awhile.
I haven't seen this anime but this looks really promising.
Very well written. As you can see, there's not much activity going on with this section :( hopefully it can be picked up again.

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