Just In
for Duality of Time

5/12/2023 c13 4BookloverAlive
I really love this story! I hope it's updated soon!
10/16/2022 c13 benlikescomputers1
Why'd you have to kill Rey just ad she was about to find out something important?
8/22/2021 c7 2Flooney
more, please, please, please. it's criminal of how little attention this book has.
8/2/2021 c7 squirtlee16
I love the Ben and Bente interaction
6/3/2020 c1 mjzegaczewski
Ya gotta gimme more. Stuck in a pandemic.
5/23/2020 c7 Guest
Awesome story! Excited to see what’s next.
4/27/2020 c7 Tee
Bente wanting candy made me laugh and I’m glad Ben had a breakdown. He deserved it for how he tore Hanzo apart. I also like that him meeting his daughter gives him more reason to live and hope. I’m excited to see how Leia reacts and how Han might joke with Ben about being a dad if they ever get to interact.
4/25/2020 c6 Tee
Amazing chapter!
4/27/2020 c7 Bella-swan11
Kylo you must admit that Ben Solo is still alive inside you, because you are relieved not to kill your father and that you have two children; you need to kill Snoke if you want to protect your children. Bente, you know that you should advise your father to bring Hux so that the three of them can speak, the time has come; Hux discovers that the first is destined to fail because Palpatine did so. That will enrage him to the point, which will help kill Snoke and Palpatine; knowing that they used him and his soldiers.
4/23/2020 c5 Tee
Oooo this is getting good. Can’t wait to see what happens with Rey and Ben while he’s still in the Nether. Excited to see Hux, Ben, and Snoke reaction to Bente. Also, looking forward to everyone on the Falcon and their conversation with Hanzo.
4/25/2020 c6 Bella-swan11
They have because of what you have seen your grandchildren suffered, you will not forget who harmed your grandchildren; you don't live under the jedi code like Leia or Luke. Which means that when the war is over you can eliminate the people who will try to harm your family, no matter what Luke says he lost the right to give you his opinion when he tried to kill your son when he was a teenager; you can forgive it but not forget it.
4/22/2020 c5 Bella-swan11
It all depends on you Bente and Hanzo if you want to change the future, you need to unite your parents as the dyad that you are together are more powerful; it is time for great uncle Luke to bear the consequences of his actions towards Ben. Grandparents are likely to end up hitting Luke but only then can they start again, now the danger is not only Snoke but also Palpatine.
4/14/2020 c5 Guest
AAAAHHH! Luv it soooo much! Update please
4/13/2020 c4 Tee
That kind of hurt my heart when Hanzo got torn up. Can’t wait to see Bente’s rage.
4/5/2020 c1 Guest
Me gusta tu historia, actualiza pronto

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