8/8/2023 c1 Guest
So you made both Rin and Saber bisexual in this story? Saber wants to have sex with Rin and Rin is completely fine with that. Good representation
So you made both Rin and Saber bisexual in this story? Saber wants to have sex with Rin and Rin is completely fine with that. Good representation
8/5/2023 c4 Guest
Isn't Shirou someone that can react to servants and projectiles with near bullet-speed? And not to mention that he should be lot more cautious after Unlimited Blades Work and copying some of Archer's memories.
Isn't Shirou someone that can react to servants and projectiles with near bullet-speed? And not to mention that he should be lot more cautious after Unlimited Blades Work and copying some of Archer's memories.
7/5/2023 c5 10PsylentFox
ChatGPT is now writing fanfiction... lol Though I am glad to see you're back and this is now ongoing.
ChatGPT is now writing fanfiction... lol Though I am glad to see you're back and this is now ongoing.
7/2/2023 c5 Guest
Is Gil gonna do nothing? I am expecting him to actually stroll around to see the society. Hmmm.
Is Gil gonna do nothing? I am expecting him to actually stroll around to see the society. Hmmm.
7/1/2023 c4 Star
What a fukin shit way to get what u want...gets captured by gas? Dafuq? Ever heard of a mage's resistance to outside interference?
Gets handcuffed...somehow can't break them...wtf?
U telling me with a repotoire of UBW and GoB, they can't go under the radar?
Shitt ass story
What a fukin shit way to get what u want...gets captured by gas? Dafuq? Ever heard of a mage's resistance to outside interference?
Gets handcuffed...somehow can't break them...wtf?
U telling me with a repotoire of UBW and GoB, they can't go under the radar?
Shitt ass story
7/2/2023 c5 Steamguy
Still kind of disappointed that the story was never going the way of vigilante hijinks, guess i'll just sacrifice a newborn to Moloch then.
Still kind of disappointed that the story was never going the way of vigilante hijinks, guess i'll just sacrifice a newborn to Moloch then.
7/2/2023 c5 Greyfox2
Welcome back, pleasure fo see you writing again. Never thought to use an AI for smashing through a writers block, neat idea.
As to the chapter, I'm a little surprised Shirou was so hesitant to jump, given his usual bullish outlook; makes sense though, "once bitten, twice shy." Good to see he took Nemuri's offer though, better than trying the vigilante route. Plus, makes for a funner story when the main character can interact with the main plot!
Looking forwards to the next chapter & good luck with the work life balace.
Welcome back, pleasure fo see you writing again. Never thought to use an AI for smashing through a writers block, neat idea.
As to the chapter, I'm a little surprised Shirou was so hesitant to jump, given his usual bullish outlook; makes sense though, "once bitten, twice shy." Good to see he took Nemuri's offer though, better than trying the vigilante route. Plus, makes for a funner story when the main character can interact with the main plot!
Looking forwards to the next chapter & good luck with the work life balace.
7/1/2023 c5 Glasrevin
Welcome back, and using chatGPT to help write, I'm very interested in how you did that and what parts of this were AI
Welcome back, and using chatGPT to help write, I'm very interested in how you did that and what parts of this were AI
1/1/2022 c2 edoabb
It's nice to have characters other than Shirou react to this hero society, but please don't change their characters to make them go along with the society, Gilgamesh is one who considers himself massively superior to anybody else due to his feats, genes, position of power and much more. So he would never actually follow rules and regulations imposed by hero society, he kills who he wants and ...
It's nice to have characters other than Shirou react to this hero society, but please don't change their characters to make them go along with the society, Gilgamesh is one who considers himself massively superior to anybody else due to his feats, genes, position of power and much more. So he would never actually follow rules and regulations imposed by hero society, he kills who he wants and ...
9/20/2021 c4 Sweety
I just have a doubt is Shirou attending class I-B?
I just have a doubt is Shirou attending class I-B?
9/19/2021 c4 Guest
Awesome chapters keep up the good work
Awesome chapters keep up the good work