Just In
for Toxic Cure

12/26/2022 c11 Guest
Prove her innocence
1/27/2021 c11 SleepEludesMe
Just loved it, I've spent most of my day reading it! Fun, true to character, awesome main character and yes, sexy
1/27/2021 c8 SleepEludesMe
1/27/2021 c7 SleepEludesMe
Ugh.. Jelaous Joker, I'm dying
1/27/2021 c5 SleepEludesMe
Just awesome. Should I feel guilty that this side of the Joker is sooo much fun? Maybe. I won't.
1/27/2021 c5 SleepEludesMe
Badass Emily!
1/27/2021 c4 SleepEludesMe
Honestly I laughed out loud several times, it's funny, it's sweet, I love both Emily and this take on the Joker
1/27/2021 c3 SleepEludesMe
Your take on the Joker in this is so fun to read, he's the crazy guy but still kind of curious about the normal stuff, like walking a girl home. Sweet yet true to
1/27/2021 c2 SleepEludesMe
Love it, this is going to be good
1/27/2021 c1 SleepEludesMe
Hooked alreadyI like Emily
7/10/2020 c11 Guest
Save her
6/12/2020 c11 8Cassie-011
love this!
5/18/2020 c1 2Portaltohades
I don't understand why this story has so few reviews. It s well written and really entertaining. I love your character development.
5/13/2020 c11 7WickedlyMinx
So another story of yours I binged and it’s so good. I hope you decide to continue it and keep writing. It’s heading in a really good direction.
5/13/2020 c11 SaltedChips
Love this fic! Think you really got the Joker personality.
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