Just In
for The Tornado Trio

6/27/2020 c1 Guest
Pfffft! I think I just died from laughing way too hard at all of this. An energetic chaotic and evil tornado trio is just what I expected. Also Wolffe, Cody and Rex do deserve medals for putting up with those three. If that's Esinon when she's hyper, I don't want to see her when she's had caf. "'One day all of your troopers will be wearing my markings.'" Oof, foreshadowing much? I loved how the Captains acted like they were going to fight the freaking Separatists. This made me giggle so much, thanks for that!
5/11/2020 c7 124gp96cdx5
5/9/2020 c7 Guest DCDGojira
To author
Can't wait for the caffeine incident!
5/8/2020 c6 Stormsong08
Ohno! Poor Xavier.
5/8/2020 c6 124gp96cdx5
Ha! Poor Xavier and poor Wolfe! How dare Esinon ruin his caf! I could use some now...
5/7/2020 c6 Guest DCDGojira
To author
I want to see what happens when Ahsoka has caffeine.
5/4/2020 c5 124gp96cdx5
Ha! That was funny. This was probably written by Cody, Wolfe, and Rex. These are good guidelines! Thxs!
4/29/2020 c4 124gp96cdx5
OH NO! Hahaha, so that's what happens when Ahsoka gets sick...I always wondered. She does have a point about "experience outranks everything." Good luck shinies. Please do more! So funny!
4/28/2020 c3 Guest
lol esinon tryin to eat kit fistos tentacle
4/28/2020 c3 124gp96cdx5
PLEASE do a Tornado trio!
4/24/2020 c1 124gp96cdx5
Oh man. I feel bad for the Clones, but, hey, what can you do when faced with the Tornado trio? PLEASE UPDATE!
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