Just In
for Preto no Branco

6/9/2023 c5 provins.vogue
"Nao teria deixado Sasuke escapar.. Sendo que ele passou a vida toda fugindo de seu amor. "
- Fatal attraction -obsession.. that is what Sakura has in this story, and even in Naruto. This is the reason why i never liked the SasuSaku endgame. Sakura has treated Sasuke as a property, that she deserves for all her efforts to be strong and for waiting on him. Sakura's overall goal in Naruto was Sasuke. The Sasusaku endgame just sent all the wrong signal to young women out there.

I digress. I love your story just as I posted here on your few chapters. I look forward to more...
Thank you.
2/24/2023 c5 Mariaclara25070
Eu amo essa história e espero todos os dias por atualizações. Espero que volte a escrevê-la com frequência. Amo tanto o que você esta escrevendo que até pagaria por uma continuação
10/9/2022 c5 2Haru x3
Fui apresentada a tantos novos termos nestes cinco capítulos xD sua preocupação com detalhes com certeza é fator crucial que faz com que suas histórias sejam tão boas!

Aguardo os próximos capítulos ️
8/18/2022 c5 Luciana
Nossa, quem diria que Naruto foi o primeiro a perceber, embora a quatro meses atrás. Ainda acho que Hanabi sabia muito antes, mas até o momento o cara mais lerdo ser o primeiro a perceber só prova que esses dois são mesmo irmãos!
Sakura decepcionando até o final, Hinata devia ter dado uma surra de realidade nela.
Os comentários dos meninos sobre os dois me fez rir muito.
Também me aqueceu o coração saber o motivo que fez Naruto perceber!
E mesmo que se intendam tão profundamente, palavras ainda são necessárias em um relacionamento sadio, lembrem-se disso crianças.
Tilim saudade!
8/4/2022 c5 Guest
Why does Sakura think Hinata owe her anything? Sakura is the one that ruin the relationship between Naruto and Hinata. She had slept with Naruto when he was dating Hinata, based on the guilty looks Sakura gave Hinata after Naruto breaks up with her. Also, Naruto had said Sakura was his first, the girl he gave his virginity to during questioning from Ino's games. Based on all that, Hinata should figured she owes Sakura nothing. In fact Sakura should be the one apologizing to Hinata for ruining her relationship with Naruto.

Sakura deserves to get her ass beaten up. She is an arrogant entitled snob. She thinks she can monopolized Sasuke and Naruto just because she was in same team as them during childhood. I wanted to see Hinata not hold back at all against her in defending her relationship with Sasuke. I do not see Sakura can be better than Hinata when she has no bloodline skill other than brute force by being a bully. Hinata had been training with Sasuke, so beating Sakura would not be that difficult.

Sakura better not get away with her assault offense. She should not get a pass either just cause she is Kakashi's former student and Tsunade favorite student. The Hyguga clan should be demanding Sakura be punished for the offense and let this incident be in her record.
6/27/2022 c5 tarciana020792
(Leitora Nova)

Queria escrever um comentário grande, mas vou resumir: tô apaixonada por PNB, tá incrível. <3
6/19/2022 c5 hashira1989
Thanks for the update! I've been waiting for this :)
Sorry I'm just using google translate and can only comment using English.

I'm really enjoying this fic. What I liked about it most is that the SasuHina relationship is already established from the start. It's nice to see how committed they are to each other and how they're able to communicate in small and simple ways. Naruto has also done admirably in silently supporting them despite him regretting breaking up with Hinata. As for Sakura...Yeah, it's not farfetched that she would act this way what with her one-sided, years-long obsession for Sasuke.

I feel like people of authority around Team 7, like Tsunade and Kakashi, are pretty lenient when it comes to their fuck-ups. For example, they have failed in helping Sakura get over her fixation with Sasuke. I just hope that this time, her actions would have consequences and doesn't get merely swept under the rug.
6/19/2022 c5 rei
i'm just thoroughly in love with this story, domestic Sasuhina who are so at east with their feelings and relationship is amazing to read. Beside the two, i really like how you wrote Naruto with such humanity. Really looking forward to more chapters with this and I hope Sakura can recover from this.
6/18/2022 c5 2zsyree
Hi Tilim! I immediately read this chapter as soon as I saw the notifications. This story is one of my favorite original universe post war SH fic.

Now their secret is out! I love the conversation between Naruto and Sasuke. I'm not sure though if I understand but are Naruto's regrets because he realized he loves Hinata? I liked that he didn't try to get in the way of them even when he discovered their relationship.

I like the many instances that you mentioned especially the toothbrush and the shirt with the Uchiha fan. That was so cute especially with Naruto commenting Sasuke was lazy bevause Hinata brought his toothbrush.

I like the confrontation with Sakura and Hinata. Tbh, Sakura's feelings for Sasuke is an obsession. Even if she waited for him, Sasuke is under no obligations to return her feelings. Gosh he already tried to kill her and she was still in love with him. I'll never really understand that pairing. I liked that Sasuke came in and kicked her. He didn't even care what happened to her Sasuke was just worried for Hina.

Anyways, now that the secret is out I'm dying to know what happens next!

Thanks for the update, Tilim!
9/14/2021 c4 Guest
Meu deus eu tive que devorar tudo dessa maravilha. Estou completamente apaixonada e louca pela continuação, autora. Te descobrir foi a oitava maravilha
8/4/2021 c4 Nathyuga
Mulher do céu... Faz isso comigo não... Tô hiperventilando por ter chegado a esse capítulo e não ter mais.. preciso de mais... Vc é maravilhosa. Encanta com pequenos detalhes... Uma frase e meu coração pula, aquece, estremece, chora ou anseia... Preciso enaltecer sua escrita.. ainda faltam muitas fica suas pra ler, mas lerei todas e já tenho certeza de que as amarei TB. Obrigada por compartilhar conosco ️
6/24/2021 c4 dlesecret17
Amando ️ Por favor continue!
5/15/2021 c4 provins.vogue
I love how unpredictable your stories are. U you took a common subject matter like arranged marriage and gave it a unique twist.
I look forward to your next chapters.
1/17/2021 c4 zsyree
Hello! Sorry if my review is in English. I don't know how to read Portuguese but read your fanfic via Google Translate and I just had to leave a review to know that you are such an amazing writer and you write amazing SasuHina stories. I particularly like this one and was surprised and giddy whe. You revealed that SasuHina were already a couple in the beginning. I can't wait to read the conversation that will happen between Sakura and Hinata. And if it will ever be revealed that Hinata and Sasuke had been together for 3 years.

Can't wait for the next update!
11/7/2020 c4 1NEET SaikaiScan
Meu Deus! Como assim?! Olha a parte que tu parou! Vou surtar até o próximo capítulo!
Amei o capítulo do início ao fim (como sempre). Os momentos "quando Sasuke deu as costas ao portão, por um segundo..." foram tão fofos! Temari não faz ideia do quanto o Uchiha se importa com tudo relacionado a Hinata.
Os preparativos para o casamento também foram fofos e cômicos!
O momento hot estava deveras estimulantes e juro que gritei "FILHO DA PUTA, DEVE SER O NARUTO, É SEMPRE ELE!" Ao serem interrompidos quando a melhor parte estava prestes a começar. Apenas uma palavra de Hinata e seu noivo perdeu o controle... eu estava tão envolvida que o grito irritado saiu antes que pudesse conte-lo.
A sincronia perfeita do casal para limpar a cena do crime foi uma amorosidade forte o suficiente para aquecer meu coração e aplacar a frustação.
Contudo sobrou frustação o suficiente para alimentar meu ódio da Sakura. Ódio profundo e antigo, pela ninja com o menor amor próprio da história de Naruto... Gostaria de dizer que quero ver a Hinata colocar essa guria em seu devido lugar, mas detesto ver mulher brigando por causa de homem, por isso preferia que o Sasuke fizesse esse papel de colocá-la em seu devido lugar e não apenas falasse as coisas de modo tão superficial. Sei que ele não quer ferir os sentimentos dela, mas a Sakura não ajuda e se ele não se meter Hinata terá de limpar a sugeira. Ela deixou as coisas com seus amigos bem clara e ninguém foi atrás de Sasuke pedir satisfações, nada mais justo que ele faça o mesmo.
Te amo Tilim!
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