Just In
for A Tale of Shadows and Flames

4/9/2024 c2 5C050103
Absolutely love this story! Hope you post more :)
1/12/2024 c5 Liune
Thank you for the update! It has been such a long time and rereading it was such a great experience again. The story flows smoothly and tension still exist while a calm, friendly atmosphere is there.
I love it and hope you continue enjoy writting this as I am reading.
11/29/2021 c4 Kaz-Inej-Alec-Magnus-Four-Tris
This is really cool. I hope you update again soon.
8/4/2021 c4 4Monkey D. Umi
Incredible story, you have vitiated me, I'm laughing a lot at the girl's unconsciousness regarding the fact of being Azriel's partner, I would love another part from her point of view if possible. I look forward to the next chapter. :)
I apologize if there is any problem with my message, English is not my first language.
8/1/2021 c4 Ale Bruijn
Hello.! I'm really enjoying this story. I need the nexts chapters. Who's learning the other's lenguaje first.? Who's gonna teach Stella fo fly.? Will she meet Feyre.? Will she accepts the mating bond.? There's so many questions.! Can't wait for the next chapter. See you.
6/10/2021 c4 63Echoes of Rhiannon
I read this at while on my lunch break at work, and it made my night. Delightful read as always xx
6/4/2021 c4 1amrawo
Great chapter! I loved it! Always a fan of accidental wing touching. I look forward to reading more!
5/17/2021 c3 ChaoticMinds
I've never read this series before, but from what I've seen of it here, it looks really interesting! I hope you come back to this plot bunny someday, cause I'm extremely curious about what happens next! :D
5/14/2021 c3 63Echoes of Rhiannon
PLEASE update bc i love this story a lot!
2/11/2021 c3 1lexibookfanfic
It's been soo long since your last update. When will you post again? Interesting story btw
12/30/2020 c3 Caroline
This is so good! I will be waiting for the next chapter3
12/24/2020 c3 2Katriella Rosewood
I love this so far! I can't wait to see the development between Stella and Azriel, and I'm curious to see how long it will take her to learn their language. Is she already bilingual or does she only know a little Italian?
12/18/2020 c3 12Cassy-Kay
I like this so far! Can’t wait to read more :)
11/12/2020 c3 chalseali
Another thrilling chapter. I'm glad that she can at least communicate with rhys. It would be a nightmare otherwise. I love your story hope you'll update soon
11/10/2020 c3 1amrawo
Great chapter! I can’t wait to read more!
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