2/7 c16 Just William
Another good chapter, a couple of minor typo's, "the fleaing form", should be "the fleeing form" and "attack her neice", should be "attack her niece".
Another good chapter, a couple of minor typo's, "the fleaing form", should be "the fleeing form" and "attack her neice", should be "attack her niece".
2/7 c3 Just William
A minor typo, "Hufflepuffs in toe", should be "Hufflepuffs in tow". Good chapter.
A minor typo, "Hufflepuffs in toe", should be "Hufflepuffs in tow". Good chapter.
12/19/2024 c14 Animeworld2.0
I hope this message finds you well. I run a YouTube channel called Infinity Harry (Channel link: Infinityharry), where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that prefers listening over reading.
I would like to inform you that my channel is now monetized, and I make sure to give proper credit in the description of your story. Additionally, I will share the video link under your story review for your view. I respect authors and their copyright.
If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am happy to make changes according to your guidance.
I would greatly appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission.
Thank you
I hope this message finds you well. I run a YouTube channel called Infinity Harry (Channel link: Infinityharry), where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that prefers listening over reading.
I would like to inform you that my channel is now monetized, and I make sure to give proper credit in the description of your story. Additionally, I will share the video link under your story review for your view. I respect authors and their copyright.
If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am happy to make changes according to your guidance.
I would greatly appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission.
Thank you
11/26/2024 c5 Guest
I do not understand how characters in these stories just take abuse like this. You have magic, just fucking deck him. Maybe I’m just more violent than most people but if someone snaps my broom I’m going to take a bat to their shins. It’s aggravating how Malfoy just seems to get away with it in these stories? Idk
I do not understand how characters in these stories just take abuse like this. You have magic, just fucking deck him. Maybe I’m just more violent than most people but if someone snaps my broom I’m going to take a bat to their shins. It’s aggravating how Malfoy just seems to get away with it in these stories? Idk
6/23/2024 c27 Stone Elbow
Please look up "anathema" in a dictionary. It is not a word that should be used as someone's name. Any parent who gives this as a name for their child should be immediately arrested for child abuse.
Please look up "anathema" in a dictionary. It is not a word that should be used as someone's name. Any parent who gives this as a name for their child should be immediately arrested for child abuse.
11/27/2023 c1 harryPotterFan
should have called it if not for umbitch
should have called it if not for umbitch
9/26/2023 c25 Something Random 52
Of all songs, Cake By The Ocean came on at the middle of this chapter
Of all songs, Cake By The Ocean came on at the middle of this chapter
8/5/2023 c40
Well written story, the words flowed really well and you could feel the raw emotions through the way you wrote the dialogue which is hard to find in stories that focus on the emotions of the characters as opposed to plot. I found your Daphne a breath of fresh air, her relationship with her mother was extremely compelling. Additionally, Ron as a character was brilliantly done and kudos to you for the way you had written him.
Unfortunately, the story lacked balance. It's obvious this story is heavily canon influenced which is not a bad thing per say and yet I had hoped there would've been changes that you could've made that moved away from that route.
Your Harry is extremely passive. Way more than canon and it was frustrating reading the emotional turmoil he was going through and him not doing much about it to get himself out of that rut.
You emphasised that Daphne was a pillar of sort to him, she was his light and yet every time something major occurs, he goes back to that same pitiful mindset which introduced unnecessary angst that made this story sometimes vexing to read. Sure he's emotionally stunted with how he grew up but seriously what 15/16 year old looks down at their shoes during a confrontational scene, it's just very bizarre.
It's obvious that Harry wants a future where he's alive, where those he loves are alive and yet he does completely nothing to achieve those goals. I mentioned that the story lacked balance and that is what I mean for this part. One of your main plots was that of the prophecy. Harry is supposed to be Voldemort's equal and yet I find that impossible with they way you have written Harry as a character.
It's clear with this chapter that Harry has finally grown some balls and is ready to take the war head on and yet I find that entirely unbelievable especially with the fact that the story is coming to it's conclusion soon and I find no believable way that your Harry will be able to beat someone like Voldemort if he's losing to Sirius in 15 seconds in Chapter 36. I'm not saying he should be some overpowered kid that should be on equal footing with Voldemort but if he can't even beat Sirius, someone who hasn't even had the chance to duel anyone since before he was sent to Azkaban then I am not sure on how you're going to finish this story if I presume you're going to make Harry be the one to kill Voldemort which I'm guessing is correct with how big your focus was about the prophecy.
I'm not trying to disparage you or tell you to write a story the way I want you to write it. At the end of the day, you can write it however you like, yet as a reader, you want to have some kind of faith knowing that the protagonist of the story is not completely useless in the face of the villain and yet I can't help but feel your Harry feels way more fragile than compared to canon. In my opinion, if that was changed, I would've enjoyed your story a ton more.

Well written story, the words flowed really well and you could feel the raw emotions through the way you wrote the dialogue which is hard to find in stories that focus on the emotions of the characters as opposed to plot. I found your Daphne a breath of fresh air, her relationship with her mother was extremely compelling. Additionally, Ron as a character was brilliantly done and kudos to you for the way you had written him.
Unfortunately, the story lacked balance. It's obvious this story is heavily canon influenced which is not a bad thing per say and yet I had hoped there would've been changes that you could've made that moved away from that route.
Your Harry is extremely passive. Way more than canon and it was frustrating reading the emotional turmoil he was going through and him not doing much about it to get himself out of that rut.
You emphasised that Daphne was a pillar of sort to him, she was his light and yet every time something major occurs, he goes back to that same pitiful mindset which introduced unnecessary angst that made this story sometimes vexing to read. Sure he's emotionally stunted with how he grew up but seriously what 15/16 year old looks down at their shoes during a confrontational scene, it's just very bizarre.
It's obvious that Harry wants a future where he's alive, where those he loves are alive and yet he does completely nothing to achieve those goals. I mentioned that the story lacked balance and that is what I mean for this part. One of your main plots was that of the prophecy. Harry is supposed to be Voldemort's equal and yet I find that impossible with they way you have written Harry as a character.
It's clear with this chapter that Harry has finally grown some balls and is ready to take the war head on and yet I find that entirely unbelievable especially with the fact that the story is coming to it's conclusion soon and I find no believable way that your Harry will be able to beat someone like Voldemort if he's losing to Sirius in 15 seconds in Chapter 36. I'm not saying he should be some overpowered kid that should be on equal footing with Voldemort but if he can't even beat Sirius, someone who hasn't even had the chance to duel anyone since before he was sent to Azkaban then I am not sure on how you're going to finish this story if I presume you're going to make Harry be the one to kill Voldemort which I'm guessing is correct with how big your focus was about the prophecy.
I'm not trying to disparage you or tell you to write a story the way I want you to write it. At the end of the day, you can write it however you like, yet as a reader, you want to have some kind of faith knowing that the protagonist of the story is not completely useless in the face of the villain and yet I can't help but feel your Harry feels way more fragile than compared to canon. In my opinion, if that was changed, I would've enjoyed your story a ton more.
7/27/2023 c41 bartle.john
This has been one of my favourite Harry/Daphne fics, I patiently await you to finish the story.
This has been one of my favourite Harry/Daphne fics, I patiently await you to finish the story.
6/27/2023 c41
8Lord of mystics
I read this story from. Start to finish and it is well written. I'll wait for the next chapters

I read this story from. Start to finish and it is well written. I'll wait for the next chapters
5/19/2023 c41 ididmywaiting12years
WOW. that was an incredible, amazing, brilliant story. as your being my first ever Haphne story I've ever read and never being a fan of it you have made me a fan of this ship. there are just so many different aspects of this story that I loved. I think it's one of my to 3 favorite fics of all time. I loved the slow build you had for their relationship. it just felt so natural and they were so great together. and I really thought you kept Harry true to canon while introducing him to someone he normally would never consider. and the friendships you brought into the fold were so well written. I LOVED all of your OCs. and how you handle the Horcruxs was so well done. I really hope you're able to complete this fic someday I will be anxiously awaiting it's completion. thank you for this story from a hardcore Hinny shipper
WOW. that was an incredible, amazing, brilliant story. as your being my first ever Haphne story I've ever read and never being a fan of it you have made me a fan of this ship. there are just so many different aspects of this story that I loved. I think it's one of my to 3 favorite fics of all time. I loved the slow build you had for their relationship. it just felt so natural and they were so great together. and I really thought you kept Harry true to canon while introducing him to someone he normally would never consider. and the friendships you brought into the fold were so well written. I LOVED all of your OCs. and how you handle the Horcruxs was so well done. I really hope you're able to complete this fic someday I will be anxiously awaiting it's completion. thank you for this story from a hardcore Hinny shipper
5/8/2023 c41 Shandablonde
Thank you for writing a fantastic compelling story, I hope to read more in the future!
Thank you for writing a fantastic compelling story, I hope to read more in the future!
3/22/2023 c41 Cat
I've really enjoyed this story and hope you can find the path for this story that makes you content with the direction it's going to go. I understand that sometimes one needs a break from heavier topics and to focus on more lighthearted things. I've had to do that many times in my life. Please don't let reviewers get to your head and make you feel rushed or that you need to go in a different direction than you wanted to. We started reading this story because we liked what you had created. You are a good writer, please trust yourself and have confidence in your creative output. I look forward to the next chapter whenever it may be posted. Take your time.
I've really enjoyed this story and hope you can find the path for this story that makes you content with the direction it's going to go. I understand that sometimes one needs a break from heavier topics and to focus on more lighthearted things. I've had to do that many times in my life. Please don't let reviewers get to your head and make you feel rushed or that you need to go in a different direction than you wanted to. We started reading this story because we liked what you had created. You are a good writer, please trust yourself and have confidence in your creative output. I look forward to the next chapter whenever it may be posted. Take your time.