Just In
for Vengeance

4/21 c33 ChefJeff
Excellent book, thank you. I know you were concerned about language. There was enough to give us a glimpse of some of the antagonists involved, but you found the right balance and didn't overdo it. The sabotaged chair was a stroke of genius. I like how that played out as a constant reminder.
5/27/2021 c1 Leesa Jane
Great story, it had everything; mystery, romance, angst, intrigue, I could go on.
5/26/2021 c33 Jharker31
Great story. I completely loved it
5/4/2021 c1 Kaizer1008
For such a great story, a lot of audience must read your book. You can publish your work on NovelStar Mobile App.
5/2/2021 c33 Riley 38
I enjoyed your story! It was very hard to finish as I didn't want it to end! Thank you for sharing your talent.
4/29/2021 c33 Lina 59
Well done! Congratulations on completing it.
4/27/2021 c33 54EvergreenDreamweaver
What a delightful chapter! Loved the descriptions of the fine china, silver, etc., as those are things used in my house too, on holidays, but not often any other times. But they are heirlooms to be cherished.

Joe and Vanessa's news was such a happy surprise, and yes, they'll make great parents. I was somewhat surprised about Nancy and Frank's decision to not have any children, but they'll easily be the Most Favorite Aunt and Uncle to Joe and Vanessa's children.

Good news about all the Nettles' convictions and sentences, but now I'd worry about ten years down the road and Gena getting out of prison and going after the Hardys again!

Congratulations on a spectacular, gripping story!
4/26/2021 c33 Guest
Congratulations for finishing a wonderfully written, engaging story! It was incredible and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
4/26/2021 c33 Whitney1278
I finished this story and I loved it very much. I'm sorry to see it end.
4/25/2021 c33 17leyapearl
I think I forgot to review the last chapter. Oops. Brilliant ending to a wonderful story. I love the detail about Laura not being happy about having to bring store-bought pies. So, Joe and Van are having a baby! This may make cases more dangerous for him and them as he will have more people to protect and worry about. The conversation with Frank and Nancy about kids was lovely, and Gena is getting what she deserves.. Thank you for sharing this story with us.
4/25/2021 c33 max2013
So, happy for this resolve, but soooo sad for no more updates-oh poor me, what will I do!? Thank you for sharing this amazing Hardy/Drew world you've created with us-hoping new hobby doesn't delay next storyuntil then.
4/25/2021 c33 BMSH
Lovely ending. I do hope we'll hear more from you. If I may ask, what is your new hobby?
4/25/2021 c33 sm2003495
Aah..the end. Always a mixed feeling to read the last chapter..this story was so immersive and one of a kind. Your hardys and Nancy are so brave and good..loved reading every word of it..thank you again for a wonderful story. Glad to see that Joe and Vanessa are going to be parents..I always suspected Nancy would have a hard time trying to fanthom how she could have kids and their discussion was exactly what I pictured it to glad all end are tied up and all is well in your hardy world again..fingers crossed for a new story...but off course you must take your time..have a great summer!
4/25/2021 c33 1beachgirlsrule
A very wonderful chapter to end the story on, I always love the family scenes you do. And yay, our bad guys got what they deserved. Also very exciting that Joe and Van are expecting a baby, such a sweet moment. I can’t believe this story has been going on for a year! I hope you enjoy your new hobby.
4/25/2021 c33 79Paulina Ann
Oh, my goodness! I just checked and it has almost been a year! What a year too! I'm sad to see the story end but I'm happy to see it end with such a satisfying conclusion! What a wonderful story you produced yet again. The struggle and the triumph of our favorite Hardy Boys and their wives was a great read. I look forward to that new story whenever it comes out of the ether for you. :)

And a new hobby? Did I miss this or forget? It could be either. LOL

Best of luck and fun with the new hobby and I'll be checking back every so often to see if you have started a new story. :-D
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