Just In
for Thorns and Roses

12/25/2021 c31 1bellovettrix
This was a wild chapter, but I love it so much. It was worth the wait. I'm just glad you're writing new chapters again.
Omg, whatever is gonna happen to Sweeney now? And OMG again but I'm just concerned about Nellie's safety now that she's alone and those bad guys might be after her.
More updates, please!
12/25/2021 c31 7Angelfire274
It’s so good to have thorns and roses back! I loved this chapter so much happened. I’m heartbroken for Nellie and Sweeney I want them to be together again soon but I know it’ll be awhile! Thank goodness she has Toby but our Nellie is strong, she’ll be ok! Sweeney, I’m worried about, the poor thing he has no one now!
I love your writing friend! Thanks for the chapter!
12/24/2021 c31 4Musicianlover12
This was a marvelous Christmas gift~ Thank you. I'm so glad you're continuing this story. Vivid and incredible.
7/27/2021 c30 lailavelmon17
I just read the chapters when it will update
5/21/2021 c30 Satineselenite
I love this story! I just discovered and I’m obsessed i binge read it! Your Sweeney and Nellie are so in character and I love how their love story developed, it felt so realistic. I also love how you write Sweeney’s humanity without magically turning him into Benjamin again. Ans i never thought i’d say this but I generally cba about OCs but I really enjoy yours, the Skyes familiy is so charming (except for Eliza and Charles lol) and so was George (RIP) and I really enjoy reading about their endeavors. Now this last chapter... I can tell you I’m pretty surprised I didnt expect Sweeney to react like that especially now that he’s accepted that he loves her but once again his reaction seemed so in character IMO. I just hope he’ll slowly come to terms with it because it’s not the child’s fault and Nellie deserves to have her dream come true. Not that she wouldn’t be a wonderful mother all by herself but I’m sure Sweeney will love the child like he loves Johanna. They deserve a happy ending damnnit! (Although i hope that ending is very very far away because i adore your story and your writing). Cannot wait for your next update! Xx
5/9/2021 c30 Musicianlover12
Bless for the update~ I've been missing this beautiful fic. My heart aches for Nellie but it was a painfully realistic portrayal of the couple. And how Sweeney, even a Sweeney that's in love with her would react at first. You convey emotion so well and I'm a puddle. Thank you again for writing such lovely and angsty sweenett. The best kind, really.
5/9/2021 c30 1bellovettrix
Wow this chapter was intense and wild. I hope the PM is okay.
Poor Nellie. How can Sweeney be so selfish. I hope he come around soon. After all, the doctor did not say Eleanor is sick and dying.
5/9/2021 c30 pumpkinandcarrot
What a roller coaster of emotion! goddamn definitely hating sweeney right now. poor nellie, hope she won't do what i think she's going to do. great chapter author, keep it up!
4/13/2021 c1 ThrownIntoTheOven
That was amazing always full of action and well written
4/12/2021 c29 bellovettrix
Wowowow a new update again yay! Omg this was a wonderful chapter. Please keep the updates coming...and soon. I can't wait to know what happens next.
4/12/2021 c29 4Musicianlover12
BLESS thank you for updating ;-; Marvelous writing as always and characterization to a tea
4/9/2021 c14 7Angelfire274
I’m screaming in happiness it was so romantic! I saw the kiss coming but not the “devils tango” but I’m not complaining one bit!
4/8/2021 c11 Angelfire274
The staring contest killed me it was so cute!
4/8/2021 c7 Angelfire274
I'm late reading this story sorry, it's so amazing so far. I love it! I can't wait to get caught up.
4/7/2021 c28 pumpkinandcarrot
my heartwanna give both of them a big hug! Cheers for a great chapter author!
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