Just In
for Thorns and Roses

6/17/2020 c12 3kornikouva
Oh you are so cruel! You broke at least three hearts in this chapter: Sweeney’s, Nellie’s and mine! But really, bloody brilliant chapter here. You’re really making it very difficult for our Baker and Barber to just confess that they’re in love. But I absolutely love their scene. I wonder how much would making up cost? Can you just please have Sweeney deliver at least one punch each to those two thugs for me? Love your story! Something I always look to during this lockdown.
6/13/2020 c11 Bellovettrix
I suspected there was a bad history between Edith and Turpin and hoped it was not that...but omg. Poor Edith.
During her story at first i was hoping she was at the Party where Lucy was at Turpin's and that she hated to witness such ... but it's heartbreaking to discover that there's someone else suffering aside from Lucy bc of Turpin.
Lol I'm so engaged with this story. I'm glad you're sharing this cuz quarantine is giving me sweenett fever and i think i've already read most of them sweenett fics on here.
6/13/2020 c11 kornikouva
Cheers for a new chapter! Poor, poor Edith. She’s a strong woman and a wealthy woman at that but still she falls victim to the demon Turpin. But I think her story will make a stronger bond with Nellie. And please, don’t let Nellie be the next on the list of victims. I wonder how Sweeney would jump in if this happens.

I’m so happy with the sweet moment with Sweeney and Nellie! It may not be much but really it maybe the start of their happily ever after. Can’t wait for the next chapter!
6/12/2020 c10 2elvishsparrow
I love ur story, pls update soon! I recently watched the movie and honestly I hated the ending. I think this pairing is exactly what I needed, I just hadn’t realised it yet! And ur an amazing writer!
6/6/2020 c10 bellovettrix
A bit of sweenett there, yay! Wow, Mrs. Lovett probably just created conflict with that Charles and now I wonder how this will affect the robbery case in the court.
6/6/2020 c10 3kornikouva
Yas! Our dear Baker is on fire! I’m glad she did not let those snobs walk through her. But please more Sweeney-Nellie moments. That one compliment makes me want for mooooore!
6/3/2020 c9 Bellovettrix
I'm loving this.
6/3/2020 c9 kornikouva
️ Me! Come on, break the tension! I know it’s going to be a slow burn but you’re writing is so good I really got so tense during our dear Barber-Baker moments. Now I cannot wait anymore for Sweeney to bump his head and realize his undying love for Nellie. Haha. Will Nellie bring Sweeney as date to the weekend dinner? Can’t wait for more of your chappies.
5/31/2020 c8 Bellovettrix
Yes! The ladies interactions were cute. I hope they stay that way. As for Turpin, what a slime. Awww Sweeney was so funny. I hope he stops being an ass to Nellie.
5/31/2020 c8 kornikouva
I love it that slowly but surely, Sweeney is falling for our dear Baker! Now, I wonder what kind of past does Edith and Turpin has? Would Turpin be targeting Edith or Nellie?
5/27/2020 c1 Bellovettrix
Ahhh I'm loving this. Sweenett!
5/25/2020 c7 kornikouva
Love this emotion-filled chapter! But Sweeney broke Nellie’s heart more than once. Poor Nellie. At the end, when he said that she too will be broken, I was so desperate for him to come back and tell her that he will protect her just to make up for her heartbreaks. But I guess it’s too early for that. Please write more!
5/25/2020 c6 kornikouva
“But the damned bitch knocked 'im out and called fer 'er husband.” It makes me happy whenever other people refer to Sweeney as Nellie’s husband no matter how misled they are.

I hope these guys won’t find Nellie alone! Geez, such rascals.
5/18/2020 c5 kornikouva
A chappie! Another wonderful chappie if I might add. You really captured dear old Nellie so well. I feel competition. So this I say to Sweeney: Man up. Come on, dear Barber! Make your move.

Oh but please don’t make Sweeney so so so angry at our dear Baker.
5/17/2020 c4 kornikouva
There will still be more chapters right? You would still continue? Please?

I wonder what it would trigger Sweeney to appreciate our dear Baker more? Would Toby help? Would Arthur’s family help? Or would Sweeney get jealous of the Officer?

No matter. I bet they would all gang up to get revenge on Turpin. Oh please do continue. And stay safe!
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