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for Chasing Waterfalls

5/13/2024 c2 Guest
Looking forward to the next chapter. Interesting premise!
9/4/2023 c2 fallenangel8635
Good read thank you
More please
7/15/2023 c2 thea11
When is the next chapter?
1/30/2023 c2 2nichtgeburtstagskind
love the setup, hope u find the time and joy to continue
7/25/2022 c1 AutumnWolf90
The first chapter is interesting
8/7/2021 c2 DAISY2024
Update soon please
6/26/2021 c2 2crimson hearts
can't wait to read more. wish the chapters were longer but I enjoyed reading these 2 chapters, thanks
2/24/2021 c2 MarvelousMsMaklin
I like where the story is going
2/21/2021 c2 Adonisx
oh this is excellent! Can't wait for more!
2/18/2021 c2 Bb34
2/18/2021 c2 4Carelise682
my brothers used to play with Matchbox cars when we were little in the early nineties I still got a grey looking sports car
2/6/2021 c2 Guest
I hope you find the drive to write again and update this fic. I’m enjoying the beginnings Of this fic immensely and would love to read more.
2/5/2021 c2 gr8rockstarrox
Update: Corrected the typo that bluecean pointed out.
2/4/2021 c2 Drayne3
Um, excuse me, but Rose Harini POTTER? 'Harini' I do understand, because it's her middle name. Her family name, though. Isn't Rose the daughter of Ronald and Hermione WEASLEY?
1/15/2021 c2 Tess
Ah, this is so interesting and well written! I’m enjoying this story and look forward to seeing how Harini will interact with the other Cullens. Keep writing! xx
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