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for War of the Empires

5/8 c6 Gooswing79
I can see Prince Louis and Princess Pina making a fine couple. Do you plan on having the story go that way?
10/14/2023 c6 Goosewing79
There were 4 other columns at the start of the war and 2 of them participating in the invasion as well as Chelmsford's column. Will Chelmsford send word to them to join him at the Gate?

On another note, there weren't any Lancers in South Africa until May 1879, 5 months after Isandlwana. It should have been either someone from the Natal Carbineers, Natal Mounted Police, Newcastle Mounted Rifles, Buffalo Boarder Guard or NO.1 Squadron Mounted Infantry that accompanied the Prince Imperial to the Saderan camp.

P.S: Which Battalion of the 24TH do Joseph and his mates belong to, 1ST or 2ND? And which Company are they in as well?
10/13/2023 c6 Goosewing79
You know there were 3 other columns that invaded Zululand with , NO 3. column. Will Chelmsford send word to them to join up with him? Which Battalion of the 24TH do Joseph and his mates belong to, 1st or 2nd, and which company are they in too?
8/9/2022 c6 Shoretrooper2020
Really well written story, I hope you pick it up again and continue writing I, alas unfortunately with many great fanfics they get dropped far too soon and we miss out on the juiciest parts of the story
5/27/2021 c6 1Doomeater
I've been reading this story and I'm loving every second of it; I can not wait to see what happens next!
5/24/2021 c6 AresianEuropa
It's rare you get to see something like a pre-WW2 GATE fanfics, and this one's pretty good so far from what I've been reading. Anyways, from what I've been reading and as the reviewers said as well, it seems your chapter here has some technical problems with the HTML formatting and coding.

Now I'd really would like to see who would actually win in a fight between Falmart and Earth not too long ago - magic vs technology all-in-one. Maybe this would propel the Earthians to invent things earlier than they should in OTL, not just AA guns but also aircraft and the like stuff. And oh, do you think the Falmartians from there could try reverse-engineer and copy the advancements we had from the Renaissance and even the Industrial Revolution? This would be an interesting topic to tackle on especially on the later parts of the story, perhaps in exchange of the "magical" stuff that Falmart has that can be used by the Earthians and such.

Looks like the Brits are about to have another India or China (depending on how the Falmartians present themselves) on their hands , just with more catgirls, lizardpeople, and whatever fantasy beast races they can find there.

P.S. Can't wait for the next chapters and the story's progress with it!
5/16/2021 c6 Koolaidman
tell me...

will the Spanish,Dutch,Portuguese and the Russians will have a role aswell in this story? since you mentioned that the germans and french would have a role a BIGGER role in this story
4/14/2021 c6 MrLek2001
This is getting intense. Keep up the good work man.
4/8/2021 c6 6joeyginise
Third of fourth paragraph looks like code.
2/11/2021 c6 Guest
Would Britain attempt to move the Gate to London for better security?
If i found a building that lead to a world I can easily abuse or suck the land's resources like no tomorrow, I would make it closr to my capital or somewhere in my mainland for the best security, and since Britain still has the largest and strongest navies, I think that Britain can mive the Gate onto a ship and have it secured by the Royal Navy and stop at London, and once they are in thr capital, all thry have to do is keep the capital secured at all costs, encouraging Britain to strengthen it's military and hold in it's colonies

I would love to see this happen, not when thr others know of it's existence though, so the British can actually move the gate to London while with a lsrge navy because when you're the biggest empire and sending a large navy to your capital, it shouldn't surprise anyone, unless you had something of great interest
2/10/2021 c6 ZedLol
friend your story is very good I hope you keep uploading more chapters
2/9/2021 c3 Kalstorm99
very interesting.
2/7/2021 c6 ATP
Another idea for wyverns - hire hunters with elephants which could kill
elephant would kill wywern,too.
Unfortunatelly - it would not work on Fire -ballon guns would not work,too.
2/7/2021 c6 Onion of the Soviets
What happened to the dragon maid? Did she escape?
btw, there are also weird stuff going on the paragraphs, like some random code or something. Other than that, amazing chapter.
2/4/2021 c4 Guest
Bravo! A most impressive display of marksmanship sir!
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