Just In
for Always

1/24/2021 c34 9Love.Fiction.2023
Loved it.
12/4/2020 c32 secretkeeper298
love it!
11/7/2020 c32 Love.Fiction.2023
Nice chap
10/23/2020 c31 astudyof-roses
I had to read this story twice, it’s so good! Very excited to read the rest of it
9/21/2020 c31 Love.Fiction.2023
Love it
9/13/2020 c30 Love.Fiction.2023
Awww cute
9/6/2020 c29 Love.Fiction.2023
Where is don?
8/27/2020 c26 Love.Fiction.2023
Nice chap
8/22/2020 c24 Love.Fiction.2023
Awww lovely chapter!
8/15/2020 c23 Love.Fiction.2023
Great chapter!
8/15/2020 c22 Love.Fiction.2023
Awww Don the little sweetie!
8/13/2020 c21 Love.Fiction.2023
Aww lovely. But I dont see why she was mad at him cause of that that's what boyfriends and girlfriends do with each other?:/ unless she wants to wait till marriage.
8/13/2020 c18 Love.Fiction.2023
Good chap
8/13/2020 c16 Love.Fiction.2023
Love it
8/13/2020 c15 Love.Fiction.2023
Why are they calling her sir? She is. Woman
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