Just In
for Sons and Daughters of Sineya

8/15 c25 2Qriiz
Huh, that explain all those things that happen to travelling Xanders.
7/29 c26 someguyshere
You can get "retro" games for dirt cheap from the young group.
6/28 c21 Guest
Nothing of substance, just saw that the review count was sitting at 1336 and that offended me.
5/25 c1 Guest
This just keeps getting more delicious.
5/25 c28 Wayne Clark
This is so wrong! But funny it just not come from no were, it comes out of the box, that is inside a box?
5/25 c28 firelordeg
thank you for sharing another fantastic chapter as well as for all the time and effort put into this story please continue to update as soon as life allows
5/22 c28 Cuss
What happens in a few years, when Xander sees what the internet does to clown girls?
5/22 c28 Dylan-A-Friend
5/19 c28 Cookie Warlord
A young Slayer Team was wrongfully accused of a crime they didn't commit in the lessor California court. They escaped into the greater Los Angeles in pursuit of their missing friend.
They now spend their evening in the Los Angeles underworld kicking butt till they save her or she escapes when she gets bored.
When she needs them she'll find the : B Team!

Lol. Sorry I couldn't resist plus it sounds like it fits the next chapters. I hope it got you guys to laugh too. Keep up the great work as always and thank you
5/21 c28 B127
So Harmony is the new Dawn. I assume it is Tuesday?
5/19 c28 Ep
Fou et cool
Merci pour la lecture
5/19 c28 gjhyddx
OK, am I the only one betting on Xander discovering the "clown's are really demons that eat the emotions of children" conspiracy?
5/19 c28 Guest
So odds are, when Xander does Clown Shadowing, it's going to be something that 'proves' his opinions on clowns?
5/21 c28 Aratherfluffyfatcat
Enjoying the story thanks
5/20 c28 BMS
Action-adventure and Porn, Harmony has the life we all dream of.
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