Just In
for Priorities 4: The Great Deceiver

8/16/2024 c24 BugsyM39
Hi there. I truly hope you plan on continuing this story. I have loved it since Priorities 1. Please please continue. Oh and I love your story Mothers and Daughters as well.
10/1/2020 c24 3ghfan51184
I'm so glad that Angelica's gonna help willow, and I'm so glad she got in touch with Alexis for willow. I hope we see more of Angelica and Danny. I liked them. I'm glad he's alive and doing well by trying to get rid of everyone in V town. I hope they'll bring back Port Charles as it used to be. I loved the little connection that Alexis and Julian had, even for a few seconds. I liked this chapter. I can't wait for another update! Good chapter!
10/1/2020 c24 5KittyKat06
I agree with Willow and you, Chrissy, talking to Alexis will be a good thing for Julian. And yay! Now Willow and Michael have a way to communicate with Alexis :) They might need to monitor Julian's chats with her for awhile to make sure he doesn't talk about any of this where Matteo or any of the non-Michael guards to get in trouble. Gel is the only hope they have, I don't want her to get in trouble. I don't want Willow, Andrew, Charlotte or any of the other babies to get in trouble, either :(

I have to say that I do know a few details and I love the crossover you have coming up. Danny has friends and people willing to help on the outside, I'm excited to read it :D

YAY now Willow knows that Alexis is alive too. Now to somehow get that message to Sam, Drew, Nikolas, etc.
10/1/2020 c24 Chrissyfan
Gel is back and still very much in love with her slave. Alright tides are going to start to turn. Hopefully Willow can keep that walkie hidden and Julian while still in his child like state doesn't dime her out. I am thinking getting to talk to Alexis will trigger Julian's own memory. Hmm, Harmony might become an asset for the islanders after listening to Matteo's diatribe over boys good and girls bad. Poor Thadeus, I'm hoping he gets tired of being abused and instead of conforming like Matteo, he is able to help defeat V and Marchessi even if it means defeating his own dad. Great up Chrissy.
9/26/2020 c1 Chrissyfan
Hey Chrissy (waves at Foxy too if you are about). Life's been okay. Still safe and sound. Knock on wood. Work is work. Something I am thankful for of course but if I could financially retire early I would. Anyhow, hope all is well for you. Sorry the reception was held back but at least they are married. I get the restrictions. A pastor of a church and subsequent reception at an inn defied restrictions and are the direct cause of 128 covid cases at last count with 2 deaths. The deaths came from third generation contact where neither person went to the wedding but it was eventually carried back to a rehab facility for seniors. Then on to two companies, and a jail system. Not even in the same county but 3 separate counties. This is all so crazy. I always tended to not dawdle in shopping 'cause I hate it but now I practically sprint down isles pretty much daring people to go against the arrows, if they do they better get out of my way.

The update you did was great! I'm also very much liking your new story. I love the priorities stories but the new ones are equally entertaining.
9/21/2020 c23 20jrchandlerfan1
Hi Chrissyfan and Foxy if you read this. I hope you're both doing well. How's work going?

Yeah, getting tested was horrible. But I tested negative, so yay. I'm on vacation this week and Friday is the wedding. I'm honestly looking forward to it being over. This year is not a good year for anyone to have a wedding. The reception has been cancelled because Premier Ford is taking us backwards in gathering restrictions due to covid numbers going up in Ontario. I feel bad for my friend and her fiancee, but I'm kind of relieved it's one less thing to worry about. The ceremony is still fine because it's a public venue. The gathering restrictions was the first thing going backwards since everything re-opened. I won't be surprised if we shutdown again.

Anyway, I've updated Angels Under Fire. Hoping to update Priorities and/or Her Mother's Keeper before the wedding too :)
9/8/2020 c23 Chrissyfan
Yikes, Matteo is worse than his father and uncles combined. I hope Gel is going to be part of the family and I am hoping that she will be able to start the ball rolling in Matteo's downfall. Great update.

RE: the center, that has to be extremely stressful. I have seen the testing for Covid on the news and it looks for lack of better word, horrible. Yes, the Grand loves school so far. He was given a one on one aid, so that takes some stress out of that be there is still Covid to contend with.
9/8/2020 c23 5KittyKat06
Michael is the knight escorting Sam and Jax out - oh, I hope he's able to talk to them somehow and come up with a plan. Even if they aren't able to come up with a plan, Sam and Jax and the other adults should feel better to know that Michael is there and to the extent he is able he can watch over Willow and Andrew and the other babies.

Little Julian standing up for "Liv"/Willow is so sweet, and Willow can use Jonah/Elias/even Julian as her "little helpers." I also hope the wives and the concubines can work together to figure out a plan.

Matteo's cousins and siblings...hmmm...any chance that Gel is in that group?
9/8/2020 c22 jrchandlerfan
And I just updated Priorities :)
9/6/2020 c22 jrchandlerfan
Hey Chrissyfan, so it's been a weird couple of weeks at the centre. We've been sending kids home pretty much every day because of runny noses. They're just being extra strict right now because of covid. And they can't return until they've been approved by a doctor or get tested and get a negative result. So Friday morning I was coughing and a scratchy throat/sore ears. So I had to go get tested. I never want to get tested again, it was horrible lol! I could still feel the sensation in my nose into Friday night. I slept most of the weekend but felt much better today. But I can't return to work until I get a negative test result, which will take 3-10 days. Crazy times, and cold and flu season hasn't even hit yet. They'll probably have to either lessen the restrictions or shut down again I would think.

Awe that's exciting that your grandson started kindergarten. Is he enjoying it? And is work going well?

So yeah, I'm off at least tomorrow which is a holiday anyway (Labour Day). But I imagine I'll be off at least Tuesday and possibly Wednesday too. I'm going to try to work on Priorities since I'm feeling better and I'm supposed to self-isolate until I get the results back (assuming it will be negative). But I was bad and got another new idea for a fic and just posted it lol. It's called Her Mother's Keeper :)

Anyway, I hope you have a great week!
9/1/2020 c22 3ghfan51184
I loved the letters that Willow wrote to Sam, Jax and Drew and of course to Scout. I'm glad she's with Andrew, but I hope she can get away and she doesn't have to go to that wedding.
8/30/2020 c22 Chrissyfan
Hey Chrissy. Works been okay. If I had other options, I can't say I might not pursue them because I probably would but it is a job so I'm no going to complain. How are things at the center?

The ruggers are good. I see them periodically and usually outside, but I get to see them at least. The older one started Kindergarten (which doesn't seem possible). First day went well. Of course we live in a college town so students are back and of course not going to give up their college given right to party. I am waiting for our little town to become the Covid hot spot.

Sorry to hear that your dad is just being a right nightmare. You know, I can drive up there and punch him in the face for you (insert evil smirk here). Can you take other steps if he doesn't pay attention to cease and desist letter, like a protection from harassment order?

Hope you have some fun with the wedding at least.

Alright, I have written way too much...stay safe.
8/30/2020 c22 20jrchandlerfan1
Thank you for the reviews!

Chrissyfan, still a lot of ups and downs, but I think that's the norm for everyone in 2020. We had to go to a lawyer about my dad because he sent my mom a very threatening letter which included my mom, my grandparents, my aunt and uncle, my sister, and my name :/ So, our lawyer sent him a cease and desist letter. And I'm looking forward to Sept being over. I'm hosting the (low key) bachelorette party in a couple weeks, then a week later is the wedding, then a week after that is the reception because the venue won't do the reception now so it's in the mother of the bride's backyard. So, three weeks in a row will be wedding stuff! Lol. Normally I love that kind of thing, but this is a terrible year for a wedding :P Right now I'm doing better and trying to focus on positive things.

I'm trying to work on ch 23 today, but this next month there might not be many updates again :/ I'll do my best and at least check in once in a while!

How is working going? Have you been able to visit your daughter and grandchildren more lately?
8/26/2020 c22 5KittyKat06
All the children getting pulled out of school because they are afraid Diane is mind-mapped is a good thing, but I almost rather that everyone pulled their kids out of school because Diane was such a bad teacher :D

I'm not even a fan of Harmony but now I'm rooting for her a little bit to kill Matteo. He has no respect at all for her or their baby (not that he has any respect for the others, but...)

Michael! :D Yay! So, so glad that he was able to get into the mansion and now I am wondering if he was one of the knights that went along with Matteo when he kidnapped baby Andrew. How old is Jonah these days? They need to keep him quiet and teach him how to play a new game called "Don't Call Daddy 'Daddy," haha.
8/26/2020 c22 Chrissyfan
Yikes, that was intense. Matteo is an obnoxious sort isn't he? Aww Andrew Jasper, very nice name. I had a feeling Willow would not let her baby stay with Matteo without her. Michael was able to infiltrate the mansion, nice. Matteo isn't quite as all knowing and he would like to think he is. I'm guessing he was a plan B, Drew and Jax did try to get Andrew but they also were a distraction.

So, yeah. I'm back to boycotting GH. Last Friday's epi was alright, I am just over every Tina, Jane and Sandy getting to slut shame Elizabeth, when they are not even ring side spectators to her less than desirable moments. Chronic cheater? she cheated on Lucky twice and the cretin had cheated on her first. Okay, rant over.

How are you doing?

Waves at Christina as well and says hello.

Foxy if you do a drive by hello and I hope you are not in Laura's path and if you are, hope you able to stay safe.

Look forward to your next update Chrissy.
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