Just In
for Reincarnation Mistake

10/2/2024 c4 sharliced
more please
6/21/2024 c2 Qhristhian
Y aquí es donde se termina de fastidiar.
La haces renacer como Harry Potter, para inmediatamente después hacer que deje atrás todo respecto a Harry Potter incluido el nombre y género; es más lo único que le queda es la magia. Entonces la pregunta es:
¿Para que te molestaste en un crossover con HP? o mejor dicho
¿De que sirve elegir a Harry como personaje, si le vas a despachar por completo? Para eso simplemente pon un OC y ya.
Es que no es un simple cambio de personalidad, solo le has dado el poder metamorfomago para que transforme en niña otra vez, a pesar de tener los recuerdos de ser un niño toda la vida y todas las emociones adaptadas a ellos.
En cambio, inmediatamente se transforma en una niña cuando descubre que puede porque tener los recuerdos de algo parece que significa tener las emociones y sentimientos de dichos recuerdos.

Una idea interesante pero una mala ejecución
3/8/2024 c4 Jamerz06
Can’t wait to see the next chapter
1/19/2024 c4 innis31
I always get a good chuckle when I read that end bit
8/31/2023 c4 1nxkris
It's great to see the time jump into the main arc, it will be interesting to see how having two senshi remembering the past will cause massive changes to the timeline. I look forward to seeing where you take this story.
8/25/2023 c4 god of all
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
8/25/2023 c4 3WhiteElfElder
Poor Usagi, she is going to start having the anime swirl thing in her eyes soon.
8/25/2023 c4 JarredCarney
poor usagi bunny girl is gonna have her mind blown.
8/24/2023 c4 Crimson Hawk Wolf
Nice chapter but I just hate that you had to end it like you did. I wonder what the next chapter is going to be like and how everything will turn out. I wonder how Luna will handle everything as well. That’s going to be interesting for sure.
3/14/2023 c1 15Sciwizman
I love this although I do question why instead of the anime version the face of Rei that comes to mind is that of Keiko Kitagawa's portrayal from 2003(which has a monster that I am positive is made from a reused monster costume from Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger from 2001)
11/19/2022 c1 2JASMINE2018
When are you going to update this story?
4/29/2022 c2 31Kellybug
OMG! Somebody added seatbelts to this roller-coaster! :) I wonder if the original-Rei would have taken the precaution of searching for the other Senshi efore they were even revealed?
4/29/2022 c1 Kellybug
This sounds like it will be an interesting story! :)
2/18/2022 c3 XxSakuraFanxX
Please update! :)
2/18/2022 c2 2JASMINE2018
When are you going to update this story?!
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