Just In
for Reincarnation Mistake

11/14/2021 c3 2JASMINE2018
11/8/2021 c3 Cure Yaoi
update soon please greetings from Mexico
9/18/2021 c3 1Pushi19
Update please my suggestion next person they find Luna and usagi sailor moon before they awaken.
9/7/2021 c1 PikaMew1288
Shouldn't Venus be in London at this point in Time?
9/7/2021 c3 3WhiteElfElder
Why did they take off when viewing the Unicorns, afraid of a confrontation with the Centaurs? The Dragons I can understand
9/6/2021 c3 45Hikari Nova
nice update and i can see them doing the same trick to reawaken the other's memories instead of piecing together swish cheese memory fragments like they did in canon
9/6/2021 c3 god of all
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
4/25/2021 c2 Jameslw
great story please continue
12/26/2020 c2 Cure Yaoi
I need to know what's next, by the way, I'm from Mexico and I love your story too much, even if I read it with a translator
8/6/2020 c1 1Rhyn3
alright, this has potential, but aside from a few spelling errors, mixed up pronoun, and general lack of punctuation; I noticed something that is either AU for HP or an error on your part:"There is more Black blood in the Potters than the Malfoys". this is incorrect, as Draco's mother is Narcissa Malfoy nee Black meaning Draco is 50% black by blood, while Harry/Aerith is at most 25% by prePottermore grandparents (Dorea Charlus), less by canon grandparents (Fleamont Euphemia). The only way the blood percentages would surpass draco is if Sirius blood adopted Harry/Aerith.
You could do with more physical descriptions and explaining why phoenixes can speak martian, and why she absorbed Godric's memories a few days after acquiring the sword
6/17/2020 c2 ShadowMoon Paxs
Please update it's amazing. I want to know what happens next.
6/8/2020 c2 45Hikari Nova
very nice and interesting idea :D
6/3/2020 c2 god of all
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
5/21/2020 c1 god of all
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
5/21/2020 c1 SelvariA01
Okay this is a very interesting story. I will be watching your progress with great interest :)
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