Just In
for The Slayer in another world (Doomslayer gets isekai'd)

11/20/2021 c4 Dr Proby
if this story really was updated this month in 2021 then I'm more than excited to see what you do with this story. it's fun to see how the doom slayer completely turns cliches upside down with how he deals with situations. I also hope to see more of the demi human daisy, she's cute and to see his protective and caring nature for all things innocent is awesome! can't wait to see more!
11/17/2021 c4 ethan.lukkar
Magnificent chapter can't wait for more please update soon
11/15/2021 c4 2YOBRICKS
hope you start updating regularly and doom guy does not need a harem!
11/12/2021 c4 Alphasdragon
I haven't seen this fic for a long time, it's good to see that you could update it,
keep it up
11/10/2021 c4 Guest
Aha! this is really good im liking this already!
11/6/2021 c4 Guest
This was a fun little episode and can't wait to read some more. I'm also curious if the Slayer will explore the kingdom and find some collectables or demi-gods in that world.
11/8/2021 c1 12Doom King of Latveria
Please don't turn this into Harem. DG is not that type of guy :o
11/7/2021 c3 sponge-flash838
A lot of isekai cliches. Please don't let the Doom Slayer get a harem. It just doesn't fit his whole character.
11/6/2021 c1 1none1066
ahhh a yandere you said do it I like it and thank for the chapter
11/6/2021 c4 16Ultimate Warrior of Zera
Nice name for a pig-like man. Looks like Doom Slayer's slowly getting a harem.
11/6/2021 c4 superpierce
love this story so wish their were more stories where characters from different franchises would get isekaid.
11/6/2021 c4 10DaneNagai
Hey, glad to see this story back on track but could you possibly recheck this? Because it looks like I'm seeing computer commands everywhere. Really, it's a mess.

Still, really looking forward to this!
11/6/2021 c4 SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta
Needs a reformat.
7/30/2021 c1 2Soriel Riot
Where's the Chapter 4? It's getting good...
7/15/2021 c3 LordSamos33
This story is so full of Isekai Tropes it's hilarious but Imma still keep reading it. Tsundere Luna is just too cute~
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