Just In
for The Gift: Legacy

3/1/2022 c10 Vadercat
Again you kinda left us hanging? Why couldn't Callen be told about Grace, if his memories were truly wiped, she would mean nothing to him. And Renko, you left him up in the air. Freed or sent to prison? And why have a baby she didn't want? or left her cancer go so long. very hard to recover from stage 3 reast cancer, let alone take over osp and run it as a clandestine operation and still live long enough to make all the changes your planning to make.
very convoluted mixed up story that made more sense in the beginning then the end, but because you left us hanging with no clear end or tying up your characters purposes. Frankly I just don't understand why you wiped Callen's memory for 20 years and then restored it, for what purpose?
A for effort, C for having more questions about your story then possible answers to be derived. This constant jumping back and forth made the story even more unwieldy and left to many holes in the storyline. And though the concept was interesting you need to clean the story up by tying up all the loose ends. Leaving the reader confused and wondering is not good.
2/26/2022 c2 Vadercat
This is a really confusing story, you just jumped into death of a team member with no background, no explanation on how she dies, no reason for Mike to stay in perpetual drunk state for 3 years. something about enacting a program to reactivate him to his former state, but you don't explain what the program is or how Grace died or even initially why she's so important! This story at best is chaotic. Not the best start.
6/12/2021 c10 Pam11
I have just read both of the stories. I really liked them however I was confused most of the time with the jumping back and forth. I have had to go back and reread some chapters lol. I really hope you tie up the loose ends and complete the story. Looking forward to reading more of your stories.
6/6/2020 c2 11countrygirluk56
Not a problem. I was so looking forward to reading the second chapter.
6/6/2020 c1 countrygirluk56
I still can't believe Grace is dead. Please tell me you have set up one of Hetty's intricate plans for her to disappear. Excellent writing as always. Looking forward to move of this story.

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