Just In
for Butt Dial

8/26/2020 c3 2mobazan27
Gahhhh! Their lack of communication skills is beyond legendary. Sometimes I just want to hug them so tight until they poop bones. They need tough love.
8/26/2020 c2 mobazan27
I wonder how much cajoling Castle has to do to get her to see how great he is. He’s too easy, too zealous, too forgiving. Let’s hope it goes well.
8/26/2020 c1 mobazan27
What’s 100Xs for emphatic than piqued? Cuz that’s what I am.
8/26/2020 c13 FlavorCountry
Yay. Good that you wrote it, but sad that it's over...

Thank you.
8/25/2020 c13 CubsWon
Totally a delight! Thx for putting in the work! Worth every word!
8/24/2020 c13 nb46
Great finish to a great story. Hope you’ll continue to write and especially Castle stuff; seems like you understand the way they talk & what they’re feeling.
8/24/2020 c13 Tom Knutson
WOW! Thank you for this story. It was really great! Please keep writing.
8/23/2020 c13 mmw74
Thanks for such a fun epilogue and a great story! Please keep writing Castle stories!
8/23/2020 c13 Ellen Outlaw
Loved this story. Good job.
8/23/2020 c13 19wendykw
I like that the story essentially came full-circle. I've enjoyed it. Thank you. When I get a chance, I'm going to read it all in one sitting, I just have to get my library books read before they're due.
8/23/2020 c13 sasans
Very good. Thank you for your story. I really enjoyed it. Nice way to end it.
8/23/2020 c13 blodi52
Nice story!
8/23/2020 c13 Larry Holmes
Superb tale...wonderful story concept and story development which was provided in your brilliant writing! Thanks,
8/23/2020 c13 Castle4Eva
I'm glad Castle confessed to the butt dial; I wouldn't want that hanging over their heads. Thanks for the story, I hope you write another for Castle very soon.
8/23/2020 c13 Liloo
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