Just In
for Butt Dial

8/23/2020 c13 dopeysac
Great story! Thank you for sharing your talent to write these stories! I hope you continue to write more!
8/23/2020 c13 Jbug47
Great story! I loved reading it! It was well written and delightful! Thanks! Are you writing another Caskett story? Hope so!
8/22/2020 c12 3nelope34
Aww! Finally she was ready to go all in! Can’t wait to read the epilogue! I hope Kate finds out what Lanie did, and maybe gets her back in some way but either way, moreCaskett please!
8/21/2020 c12 rina123nike
Thank you for the update
8/20/2020 c12 SusanCastleFan49
Great chapter! Thanks for writing!
8/19/2020 c12 Guest
omg sooo good!
8/19/2020 c12 neversoonenough
This has been great! Love how their relationship developed as the chapters progressed. I'm sorry yo see it end, but you gave it the perfect, sweet conclusion.. Well done.
8/19/2020 c12 leingh
this story is awesome
8/18/2020 c12 Larry Holmes
Superbly done...really, truly nice! Thanks.
8/17/2020 c11 Guest
Awh. Loved it - really. Gosh with the world being so crazy I still love reading about Caskett. Thank you
8/18/2020 c12 TORONTOSUN
I like how they are finally together. Good writing.
8/18/2020 c12 Caskett1963
Great chapter, the melted ice cream was a nice touch.
8/18/2020 c12 life's a mystery
wow great :)
8/17/2020 c12 dopeysac
That was a great chapter! I loved how open they were and how it's finally out there. Looking forward to the epilogue.
8/17/2020 c12 nb46
Once again great storytelling. Keep Up the good work!
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