Just In
for The Harry Hermione Drabblepalooza (And Smaller One Shots)

6/6 c17 Guest
Nice Ending!
Do you think you could be persuaded to duplicate this set of entries (Harry Hermione Drabblepalooza ... etc. over to the site that must not be named (beginning with a and ending with 3] ? It is necessary for me to read with a "text-to-speech" computer program. (Much easier to use now on my desk top than the $25K Stand alone reader/scanner I had to use in the law library to get my law degree back in 1986. The mnbn site is much easier to navigate on the program. Thanks for the consideration. And even more thanks would be headed your way upon completing "Sliding Doors".
5/17 c2 Jhn1
Neat bit.
You could use to go the other way, Granger does not see the people the stone supposedly brought back. This leads to conclude it is a deliberate fake with suicide urged just like the book. You don't have to conclude if it was Dumbledore's fake or Death's fake, just that it is not real and what Harry does from there.
4/13 c9 Guest
4/2 c7 BMS
Nice one
4/2 c6 BMS
"Butterbeer, shaken not stirred" ...

"Harry! Why did my butterbeer spray all over when I opened it?"

"Just doing things the muggle way Hermione."
4/2 c4 BMS
Oh, I just got a cavity.
4/2 c3 BMS
3/24 c6 afsat
Not over and out, just out.
3/23 c17 44dennisud
Short and sweet literally!
3/23 c17 Hands Off MY Wolfie
For once Harry not thinking ahead has got him what he wants - or at least on the right path. Cute!

Thanks for sharing.
3/22 c17 10Marc the Unruly
Love it ️
3/22 c17 21katmom
3/22 c17 3Hudy Leak613
Please have Harry own Ron and Draco as sex slaves. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it and liked it a lot.
3/21 c17 3CelendilAU
That was adorable and perfect. A bite sized bit of Harmony just when I needed it the most. Thanks!
3/21 c15 14Freddie Rindklip
For Chapter 15 being ministry Mandarins is not where I imagined them going - I know. Write it that way then. Still, it was an enjoyable fic.
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