Just In
for Hardcore Grinding

1/24/2021 c9 Nechroz
So he got a Vampire-ish class from being kissed by Toga and he spawned a puke-child by handholding in the first date. What a degenerate. Oh look at that, it's SMITE time.

Also, I can totally picture the League of Villains as a dysfunctional DnD group, which kind of means it ACTUALLY IS a "normal" DnD group.
1/18/2021 c8
Greatly enjoying the story i had just found it. Pacing is good, story is funny, all that's fine. Only thing i would ask is you guys not making ochako part of the harem and for the love of all that is fucking worth while please don't give him the hero name deku. Other than that great work so far and i look forward to the next chapter.
1/2/2021 c4 Ichigo Patchip
1/2/2021 c3 Ichigo Patchip
Thanks for the chapter
12/30/2020 c1 LionComet
Screw you.. I just lost THE GAME reading the summary... I was already doing good for the pasr 3 montths then this happens
12/29/2020 c8 iron-slayer-dragon
Love it cant wait for more
12/24/2020 c1 Guest
12/24/2020 c8 Triolan
Nice chapter. I really can’t wait till chapter ten man! This story is pretty fun and I’d love to see it continue so I’ll keep reviewing every chapter in the hopes that it helps. If you like your reviewers to toss ideas at you I can do that too. Also I’m glad that you picked up on that whole Izuku having a fuck ton of abilities and not using them thing that’s happening to the magic. It’s one of the biggest pitfalls I’ve seen in gamer stories. A lot of authors love giving the character a ton of cool abilities and spells and stuff but there are so many that keeping track of them becomes too hard. That’s why I’d recommend the bulk of his stuff be passives that just keep adding up with a few actives he can focus on. I’d recommend reading my hero school adventure as that fic has a MC with a ton of abilities but manages to keep things streamlined. Also using simple systems like dnd helps. I don’t want to see you get bogged down in the minutiae and lose your muse so I hope this helps. I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
12/24/2020 c8 2Vilkath
Great stuff, though I do question Izuku's reactions at times. It seems very odd for a kid absolutely obsessed with powers and quirks... to keep forgetting about using or practicing with the ones he has. He seemingly has to be consntantly reminded to even use them, let along things like Magic he didn't even practice once in the last few months he's had them... very un Izuku like. Does this Izuku have brain damage or something? I understand writing wise it really feels like this story is getting bloated down by too many abilities, skills, perks etc.

A real problem with a lot of video game based fics. They drown the hero in too many options to the point where there is always something "new" to play with and half their abilities never get used.

Also bit confused with the date aspect of this chapter too. I mean I was under the impression Izuku liked girls but seemingly was willing to ask Jiro out? Pretty sure they made a big deal about her getting a dick. Now I am not sure if that made Jiro into a guy like Katsuki. She's a bit of both... or what. For all we know she got a dick in a box and is still all girl...

I mean not a huge fan of gender bender stories most the time, got way to many Locked Ranma-chan or Naruko fics out there for my taste. But in this case it semi made sense in that Bakuago was into Izuku but he wouldn't likely return the affection if he stayed a man. So it seemed like a gift.

Same with Jiro as in quiet often she's lesbian and into girls... so getting a dick might of helped her be the person she wanted to be. But it just gets bit out of my comfort zone personally if now Izuku is adding a hermaphrodite to his harem...Such attraction really came out of no where from Izuku.
12/24/2020 c8 BoredKing
Isn't Jiro a guy?
12/24/2020 c8 Nechroz
* scared *
12/24/2020 c8 tacktician
You know with one of the lines in this chapter. It makes me think that Bakugo’s personality would fit very well with DBZA’s Vegeta when he gets to be a badass.
Villain: “Oh you think you’re being cute!?”
Bakugo: “Bitch, I am adorable.”
12/24/2020 c8 PasiveNox
Great great chapter
12/24/2020 c8 Koncor the great
Lol that's different but not bad I'm looking forward to seeing more.
12/23/2020 c8 Abdur Rauf Aymaan
thanks for the chap. though i have no idea what happened in the omake...
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