9/19/2020 c6 BoredKing
Damn, another major alteration and he hasn't even started UA yet. Are you going to be able to keep track of all this major changes?
Damn, another major alteration and he hasn't even started UA yet. Are you going to be able to keep track of all this major changes?
9/19/2020 c6 SonicMax
You know I'm not gonna lie I would pay someone to write a new fic with inko and izuku being together. I've only seen like three and they're just her whoring him out mostly. There's one that's recent but she didn't stay being with him she chose to stay with her not there at all husband. The author said it's ending with izuku and mandalay. Considering inko is all he's had for most of his life I'm surprised more people haven't put them together.
You know I'm not gonna lie I would pay someone to write a new fic with inko and izuku being together. I've only seen like three and they're just her whoring him out mostly. There's one that's recent but she didn't stay being with him she chose to stay with her not there at all husband. The author said it's ending with izuku and mandalay. Considering inko is all he's had for most of his life I'm surprised more people haven't put them together.
9/19/2020 c6
Typing while reading. Weird comments is not my fault.
Right, the number one difference between players and being a gamer when facing never sleeping.
A. The Player does sleep (baring unhealthy obsession moments) so stress build-up doesn't happen. (baring other reasons)
B. Gamers who stay up due to the power. Stress builds up fairly easly. Sure the body doesn't need sleep but human minds are not built like that.
Of course I am no biologist but that still.
Therapy session with the abyss... not sure that can be healthy. Scary as *censored* but healthy is questionable.
Did... Did Izuku just get a partial shotgun speech from the Abyss?
Wait... SISTER?!
Ya know, for a second, I was just bothered by Izuku just calling the man All Might. I could understand doing so because it's shorter but it feels like it's being used as if that was the mans birth name and Toshinori was just something he came up with for paperwork. I know he is yer heroic idle kid but for god sake use his name.
Bloody damn evil doctors.
Is it possible to get a date with Game-chan or would they be considered kind of married already? That would be a rather weird relationship. Actualy, thinking many stories where the protag had another voice in their head, a perpetual viewer of private moments... Huh
And there is still the question... what else has changed when reality broke?
Find out next time on Hardcore Grinding Z!
... and thanks for writing.

Typing while reading. Weird comments is not my fault.
Right, the number one difference between players and being a gamer when facing never sleeping.
A. The Player does sleep (baring unhealthy obsession moments) so stress build-up doesn't happen. (baring other reasons)
B. Gamers who stay up due to the power. Stress builds up fairly easly. Sure the body doesn't need sleep but human minds are not built like that.
Of course I am no biologist but that still.
Therapy session with the abyss... not sure that can be healthy. Scary as *censored* but healthy is questionable.
Did... Did Izuku just get a partial shotgun speech from the Abyss?
Wait... SISTER?!
Ya know, for a second, I was just bothered by Izuku just calling the man All Might. I could understand doing so because it's shorter but it feels like it's being used as if that was the mans birth name and Toshinori was just something he came up with for paperwork. I know he is yer heroic idle kid but for god sake use his name.
Bloody damn evil doctors.
Is it possible to get a date with Game-chan or would they be considered kind of married already? That would be a rather weird relationship. Actualy, thinking many stories where the protag had another voice in their head, a perpetual viewer of private moments... Huh
And there is still the question... what else has changed when reality broke?
Find out next time on Hardcore Grinding Z!
... and thanks for writing.
8/14/2020 c5 Aracade
Lets do this by the numbers.
1. Huh, good point made. I don't think there is a good way to tell someone that their existance suddenly made you grow a part you shouldn't have.
2. *stares at 1* ... hehe, Izuku made something grow.
3. While I'm glad someone achknoledges Izuku's Quirk analyzing skill, but damn it man!
4. Damn it Toga...
5. *creepy stare* Yesssss, YESSSS, the harem grows nicely.
6. Ya know, I've wondered if anyone came up with ways to do the entrance exam to fix that problem it has.
7. Thanks for writing!
Bonus: Keep it up Izuku. Keep that Charisma coming!
Random: Don't see alot of fics pay attention to Izuku's quirk mubblings beyound the cometic value. I mean, I think I saw one based around it but I'm not sure.
Warning! Mineta level thought: I wonder how many people Tsuyu avoided being friends with after they found out about the tongue? I mean, hormonal teens are a thing.
Lets do this by the numbers.
1. Huh, good point made. I don't think there is a good way to tell someone that their existance suddenly made you grow a part you shouldn't have.
2. *stares at 1* ... hehe, Izuku made something grow.
3. While I'm glad someone achknoledges Izuku's Quirk analyzing skill, but damn it man!
4. Damn it Toga...
5. *creepy stare* Yesssss, YESSSS, the harem grows nicely.
6. Ya know, I've wondered if anyone came up with ways to do the entrance exam to fix that problem it has.
7. Thanks for writing!
Bonus: Keep it up Izuku. Keep that Charisma coming!
Random: Don't see alot of fics pay attention to Izuku's quirk mubblings beyound the cometic value. I mean, I think I saw one based around it but I'm not sure.
Warning! Mineta level thought: I wonder how many people Tsuyu avoided being friends with after they found out about the tongue? I mean, hormonal teens are a thing.
8/14/2020 c5 BoredKing
Wait but isn't Kyoka a guy now? Is he bi or gay? Because that is actually an important point. I have nothing against gay guys but I don't want to read romance about guy on guy.
Wait but isn't Kyoka a guy now? Is he bi or gay? Because that is actually an important point. I have nothing against gay guys but I don't want to read romance about guy on guy.
8/14/2020 c5 Abdur Rauf Aymaan
cool. thanks for telling us the new schedule. as long you're gonna do it that is. hope you increase chap length since long gap between chaps and all.
now for the obligatory thanks for the chap and hope you update soon.
cool. thanks for telling us the new schedule. as long you're gonna do it that is. hope you increase chap length since long gap between chaps and all.
now for the obligatory thanks for the chap and hope you update soon.
7/25/2020 c4
Great story so far!love all the humor and I especially love the persona references(facade is a persona reference, right?) are you going to give him a persona? I feel like that might end up making him a bit TOO powerful(however the same could be said for a lot of his powers(or the game in general) but if the humor keeps up i’ll stay interested no matter how op he gets(making him a wildcard may or may not change my opinion on that unless the story somehow gets funnier)

Great story so far!love all the humor and I especially love the persona references(facade is a persona reference, right?) are you going to give him a persona? I feel like that might end up making him a bit TOO powerful(however the same could be said for a lot of his powers(or the game in general) but if the humor keeps up i’ll stay interested no matter how op he gets(making him a wildcard may or may not change my opinion on that unless the story somehow gets funnier)