Just In
for Tempest

6/22/2020 c3 dopeysac
Wowza! Looking forward to the next chapter.
6/22/2020 c3 TORONTOSUN
Very good writing.
6/22/2020 c1 iampeniel
I have fricking things to do and what do you do show up in my inbox and I read the first paragraph and now is not going to get done hooked
6/22/2020 c3 Caskett1963
I don’t think the steam was from the hot water alone. Fabulous writing.
6/21/2020 c3 luh29
SO good! Loving everything about this! Thank you!
6/21/2020 c3 Guest
Wow, that was very heavy and very sexy! I love your stories! Thanks for continuing to write about our favorite couple! Please continue!
6/21/2020 c3 1girl who casts no shadow
Damn this is so smoking hot. It’s delicious but bittersweet too and I CANNOT WAIT to read more of it. But duh because this is how i feel about ALL your work anyways so no shock or surprise from me! (please keep it up and oh why are you so awesome?!)
6/21/2020 c3 Jbug47
I’m really enjoying your story! I love Caskett and their road to their “always”! Looking forward to more!
6/21/2020 c3 3rdfah
Whew. Hot, but beautiful.
6/21/2020 c3 Guest
Beautifully written, and incredibly sexy chapter. Thank you.
6/21/2020 c3 9theputz913
Enjoying their night together and these conversations in fits and starts.
6/21/2020 c3 Guest
Love love LOVE this! Seeing your name in my inbox makes me so happy!
6/21/2020 c2 11daphnebeauty
Dost mine eyes deceive me!? I had a little fangirl attack when I saw you had a new Castle story out. I’ve been rereading Army Spy the past few days. This new fic is hitting right. Thanks for putting your words down! I love reading them as always.
6/21/2020 c2 98bingblot
Lovely and poignant.
6/21/2020 c1 bingblot
So glad to see you're still writing about Caskett! And there can never be too many stories dealing with "Always."
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