Just In
for Tempest

6/19/2020 c1 14FuelDH206
I’m so very excited about this one. I love the realness of the this story and how we get to see how they really faced everything.
6/19/2020 c1 Guest
oooh angsty. i like it!
6/19/2020 c1 2Scarletinii
Yay! New Castle story :) very nice start! Thank you!
6/19/2020 c1 neversoonenough
Oh. Wow. Talk about an emotional beginning to a story. When I got to the end, I just thought about how much more realistic this is than the beginning of the "After the Storm" episode. I always wondered how she could get so beat up and still be so unscathed the next morning. Even in fiction. Your take on their individual mental attitudes is also very gripping. Great first chapter!
6/19/2020 c1 19wendykw
Great start. Canon just ignored that she'd be covered in bruises from that fight. Reality is what you've written.
6/19/2020 c1 Guest
Wonderful start! Thanks for sharing.
6/19/2020 c1 Jokin
So good. I love the different take, its new and original. Can’t wait for the next update. Thanks for the new story. We have missed you.
6/19/2020 c1 1Blong3302
What a pleasant surprise to have a story from you pop up. Excellent story! Thanks!
6/19/2020 c1 Jbug47
Great chapter! Makes keeping want more!
6/19/2020 c1 Caskett1963
This is all kinds of wonderful...fabulous story, favourite characters and top notch writer.
6/19/2020 c1 Steph
So Good to read You again
Thank you
6/19/2020 c1 KaeDover1
Welcome home! Kae
6/19/2020 c1 metaphor
Absolutely thrilled to see the beginning of a new Castle story from one of my favorite authors in the fandom. And what an excellent start. Looking forward to more!
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