Just In
for Tempest

7/23/2020 c4 someheartslove
Oh, he's so careful with her!
7/23/2020 c3 someheartslove
I couldn't imagine having hot water on my cuts and lacerations because I hate it when my wounds get wet.
But the Castle part in my bathtub... I'd be okay with that.
7/23/2020 c2 someheartslove
Aaaand then you made me cry at "not everything has to hurt you". Damn!
7/23/2020 c1 someheartslove
And there she goes, write post "worst fight in history sex" story and still makes it emotional and deep and perfect.
7/21/2020 c6 81822andallthat
Hi. I miss those times, too. The sense of community, the elation of a Monday night.
Sometimes it only takes a fic to rekindle the feels, and I'm deeply grateful for the fics now, much as I was then. Thank you for this story. Thank you for keeping the illusion real.
7/17/2020 c6 John Lynch
I’ve always wanted to read a story for the end of Season Two where Castle tells Beckett after overhearing her conversation with Demming about their weekend plans why he must leave the 12th.

After two years of working alongside Beckett and trying hard to be a better man for her, she continues to push him away. Castle opened up his private life to her and showed her the man who doesn’t live on page 6. He once thought her apprehension in dating him had to do with police regulations, but dating Demming makes him realize he has only been kidding himself. She really doesn’t see him as dating material.

Rick also explains to her how difficult the last few weeks have been for him not only watching Kate and Tom heading out to lunch, sharing cabs after work, and kissing in the precinct, but also being demoted to second string as her partner when involved in case theory and interrogations. Rick believes he has lost Beckett’s respect whenever Demming is on the scene.

Castle confesses his interest in Kate and explains why he cannot continue to watch another make her happy. He has always wanted to be the one responsible for putting a smile on her face. So, he wishes her and Demming the best and says his goodbyes to the gang as he walks away. (No Gina)

Weeks later Beckett realizes her mistake in not trusting her heart with Rick. When she overhears a reporter talking about Castle’s two wives, she realizes what a terrible detective she has been by believing the tabloids instead of researching the truth or even asking Castle the questions she has always had on her mind about him.

Beckett pursues Castle to return to the 12th after breaking up with Demming but it takes a number of tries before Rick is convinced Beckett won’t be breaking his heart again.

Should you ever decide to give a similar tale a spin, please drop me a line to let me know.
7/10/2020 c6 46glo1196
Please continue to write, myself and many others will continue to read. I miss this fandom, I miss the many stories good and bad writers came up with. We all wanted a happily ever after for them. I have a story I started writing that was never completed. I just couldn’t after everything. I hope you continue to write Caskett stories for a long time to come!
6/30/2020 c6 30The-KLF
Thank you for this new story! I enjoyed it a lot.
6/29/2020 c6 Ellen Outlaw
Loved this story.
6/28/2020 c6 98bingblot
Oh I love the idea that Castle kept the advanced copy that Beckett marked up in his bedside table to look at. It does seem like something he would do.
6/28/2020 c3 bingblot
Castle has a good point about the alternate universes he creates in his head with his imagination and oh, I love love love the way they are talking to each other now.
6/27/2020 c6 Guest
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you


I hope and pray that you will gift us with more stories

Caskett always
Caskett and family always
6/27/2020 c6 Larry Holmes
Superbly done...brilliant! Thanks.
6/27/2020 c6 bluedaisy05
Thanks for allowing us all to go back there with you. Castle and the Tumblr and Fanfic community will always hold a special place in my heart for all the joy it brought. And from time to time I love to go back and read an old favorite story (many of which are yours!). Thanks for sharing your talent!
6/27/2020 c6 Arraydesign
Thanks for this. It always bothered me that there was no acknowledgement of how sore Kate must have been after that fight. And i loved what was in the nightstand. As always your dialogue is beautiful.
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