Just In
for Tempest

6/27/2020 c6 lovemycastle
i am so glad you wrote this. it was great! i agree about the castle fan community! i will check out your work! what a treat to hear from you!
6/26/2020 c6 SusanCastleFan49
Great story. Thanks for keeping this alive for all of us!
6/26/2020 c6 CastellumKeep
So wonderful to see your name & a story back in my inbox. Excellent and a more honest view of Always. Stay safe and well and please feel free to write more Castle/Beckett. I haven't let them go yet. ;)
6/26/2020 c6 Guest
Eu amo que vc ainda bem aqui alimentar nossa paixão por Castle mesmo depois de tanto tempo. Obrigada.
6/26/2020 c6 Jenine99
Raw and beautiful. A perfect story in which you managed to capture the happenings of the night, so many emotions and so WELL in just 6 chapters. Most of the time the severity of the beating Kate got earlier in the day...the definite bruising, the pain and the rawness of her fingertips are overlooked, but you incorporated it so nicely in the story. Rick taking care of her in whatever way he knows and running off to go find his research notes is just so fittingly him. They are so emotionally vulnerable and they show that to each other even if they didn't use many words that night. I could go on, but all in all an amazing story!
Thank you for writing for this fandom. I find myself often rereading some of your old fics and I cannot express how happy I was to see an alert for a new story by you! Do write more about our favorite remarkable, maddening, challenging, frustrating couple, whenever you can and want to. We'd love to see it.
Stay safe and happy!
6/26/2020 c6 dopeysac
Thank you! I miss new stories from you but always go back and reread my favorites when I get a chance. I do hope you will write for the fandom even if its once in a while (or often.
6/26/2020 c6 Guest
This was absolutely wonderful and at a time when I could use such a fantastic distraction from life. Thanks
6/26/2020 c6 Guest
Thank you for your story and thoughts. I have missed them.
6/25/2020 c6 Beach love
You are one of my favorites
6/25/2020 c6 sasans
This was so good and went so much further into that night which I appreciated. I am especially glad you addressed the brutal beating she took that had to have hurt severely and you treated his care of her so loving and tender and showed his deep worry. At the end he was alone and for the moment, even after all they went thru, still needed that assurance she was still there. Thank you so much for writing this and I would love to read more in the future if you wish to write another Castle story.
6/25/2020 c6 Guest
6/25/2020 c6 Castle4Eva
Thank you so much for all the amazing stories you have written for Castle. I wish you would write a hundred more. Yours are some of the best fanfiction out there. Fortunately for us, they are eminently rereadable. So in the absence of new stories, the old ones will have to do. But please on occasion send a new story our way. You don't know how much that means to see a story alert from an old friend. There are still so many stories that can be told about this remarkable couple, and so many of us out here that still want to read them. Stay safe, be well, and keep writing.
6/25/2020 c6 Guest
This community may be a little scattered now, it may have recently acquired a small number of new ‘members’ who contribute nothing (other than negativity and hate, directed at writers and the characters in equal measure), but many of us are still here and some passionate fresh ‘faces’ and enthusiastic fresh talent have joined us and I love that fans, old and new are still invested.

Thank you for your stories, and I hope you won’t leave us completely.
6/25/2020 c6 luh29
I'm currently rereading the Dash series, been doing this with a lot of your stories lately and, while I LOVE them all, I was craving for something new. So for me this story was like a gift! Intense, sweet, it felt real and I really enjoyed it! Hope you come from time to time, cause I love your writing! Thank you so much for this! :D
6/25/2020 c6 CastleExtreme
It’s great to read your writing again. Never disappointed!
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