Just In
for Tempest

6/25/2020 c6 Deb838
I really enjoyed this look into the "in between". I'm really appreciative of you and all the other Castle fanfic authors, keeping this world alive.
6/25/2020 c6 Anon
I have loved your stories for years and your right I like the community this fandom has even though the flow of stories have slowed down. I will check out your original novels.
6/25/2020 c6 MaineZoe
Thank you for writing this! I so miss Caskett and this is a way to keep it alive for all us fandom peeps.
6/25/2020 c6 Guest
It’s been years since I read a Castle story, this was much enjoyed. Your writing was always the best!
6/25/2020 c6 25CileSuns92
Thank you for sharing your talent with us, and adding to the community. I think this is why I can't stop reading it either.

I really liked this in-depth exploration of their first night together. I loved how you weaved in a wide array of feelings, but how we knew, that no matter what, there was love between them. I enjoyed every word of this.

Again, thank you so much!
6/25/2020 c6 DX2012
Thank you for reminding me of the days when this Castle FF site was buzzing with great stories and talented writers. Anytime you feel like revisiting this feeling of community, We will be welcoming you with open arms.
6/25/2020 c6 life's a mystery
great deep story
6/25/2020 c6 3rdfah
What a great finish. Though we know how canon proceeded, it was still that little shock: What? That’s the end? It was excellent to have you back.
6/25/2020 c6 operaluvr
I’ve always trusted you and have never been disappointed. I love that you miss this community. I keep holding on to it because it fills something inside of me that I obviously need.

Thank you for returning to write for us.
6/25/2020 c6 4E.Sign
thank you for sharing. its so nice to see your work back. I truly enjoy everything you write for this fandom
6/25/2020 c1 lovemycastle
i have never read an account of the reality and rawness of what this probably was actually like. i love that and look forward to the journey!
6/25/2020 c6 Lyn
Wow, just read all the remaining chapters. Love your writing, please continue to write about these two for our ever grateful community.
6/25/2020 c6 saucy214
Hope to read you here often, or at least from time to time. You have helped shape this community too. Looking forward to more in your Castle universe. Thank you.
6/25/2020 c6 tscott1224
Good story.
6/25/2020 c6 Guest
Loved it! Thanks for writing it xoxo
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