Just In
for Tempest

6/25/2020 c6 rina123nike
Great story thank you very much
6/25/2020 c6 woodchopper1963
I always enjoy joining you as you crawl around in side the heads of these two characters. Thanks for that invitation. Your insight and understanding of them is amazing and peerless. Well done.
6/25/2020 c6 aussiecate
You are a mistress of the Caskett dance, the subtext, the looks & the silence that says so much, when, especially Kate, can’t. Thank you for creating “During the Storm” to fill in those missing moments.
6/25/2020 c6 Guest
Thank you. I truly enjoy your writing and the way you continue to explore the Caskett universe. I believe Castle prematurely ending because of poor ABC studio executive leadership. The Caskett storytelling could have lasted several more seasons if they had writers like you and others here in the Castle fanfiction community. Thank you for keeping this beautiful relationship going.
6/25/2020 c6 Manxkid
Thoroughly enjoyed this story- wholly realistic and the perfect place to end- thank you.
6/25/2020 c6 82Garrae
Thank you for this story. It's great, and it's been great to have you back.
6/25/2020 c6 Someoneelsehasmyname
Thanks you so much for all of your writing over the years Laura. I have read and re-read them all.
6/25/2020 c6 Guest
God how I’ve missed your Castle fanfic! I’ve read most of them a few times. I’m hoping you’ll still bless us with more new ones. Please!
6/24/2020 c6 neversoonenough
It's hard to know what to say, except that this story was brilliant, and I sincerely hope that you will continue to write Castle fanfiction . Sooner rather than later, please. This community that you talk about is special, and looking forward to really good stories brings the community together even more. And I think I speak for all your loyal readers when I say that we really do look forward to your work, your passion. Thank you.
6/24/2020 c6 Nanou0111
I loved this story and how you took a bit of a different route. I like to think that they did talk that night.
Thank you for writing Caskett again, I had missed you and wasn't sure we would have the pleasure to read new fics. I hope it won't be the last but in the meantime I will keep rereading all your wonderful stories.
6/24/2020 c6 kate0704
Wow! What an amazing chapter and a brilliant story! Thank you for creating another masterpiece... it was really really good!
And I hope you won't stop writing them.. there are still a few of us crazy who love to read it!
6/24/2020 c6 Caskett1963
Absolutely beautiful story, filling in some of the details from that amazing night.
6/24/2020 c6 Guest
Thank you for this story. You’re an amazing writer and really have a way of capturing the characters and their personalities so well.
6/24/2020 c6 teelduo
Beautifully written! Oh how I've missed your stories. Thank you!
6/24/2020 c6 teelduo
I have missed your Castle and Beckett stories. Always so good.
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