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for High Tide (A Corlys Velaryon SI)

2/1 c24 Lorde Pedro
These last few chapters were extremely boring, I don't really care about any of the characters mentioned in them, it seems more like the author doesn't know what to do with the Velaryons and is just stalling.
12/30/2024 c4 Luthanor
Enjoying the story, but the pirates accepting a duel seems plain dumb and plot driven - I understand you wrote yourself into a corner there but its more or a 'and then this happened, and then this happened' as opposed to 'this happened, and as such this happened' - still good just something to add
12/4/2024 c1 1210justinp
it's nice to see an asoiaf fic that has an ending. It started with Corlys transmigration and ended with his mild reincarnation at the start of GOT era.
11/17/2024 c38 firestarter1188
this is the same chapter as the 33rd chapter
11/11/2024 c49 1210justinp
I'm quite surprised the Targaryens are still alive. They are kinda cursed with bad luck. The number of dragons are also concerning. And where the hell is Corlys? I've read less and less of him as the story goes on, will he be back?
11/5/2024 c75 FireFlameFine
Amazing amazing
10/23/2024 c4 1210justinp
I've read a bunch of HOTD FFs now and Corlys is such a good character, but this fanfic is just so boring. I'm sorry, I gave this a few chances and it just never hooked me.
10/20/2024 c75 Tohka123
Really well written, keep up the hard work
10/18/2024 c1 2AzraelKaizer
The anti plagiarism checks are my favorite part of the story within the first chapter. They were so unexpected I burst out laughing. Would it be okay if I used a similar technique for my stories?
10/2/2024 c19 Guest
Quite a while i read a story like jaehaerys bashing...
8/22/2024 c74 Blasian Malaysian
The statue of Liberty, and it's gay poem, is a jewish psyop to get Americans to open their border. The poem is routinely quoted as official immigration policy, but it was written by a zionist jewess.
8/13/2024 c75 Airchampion
It’s finally over, after a lifespan of 4 years with myself starting to read it back during 2022, I can’t help but feel wishful over how long this fic existed and how long I been reading. I’m glad I got into this fic and was able to follow it to the end, while I prefer the Targaryens over the Velaryons, I still came to like individual members of Housr Velaryon. The Velaryon empire growing the way it did after the Dance wasn’t surprising especially given the Targaryen couldn’t stop them, but I glad to see how both Houses ended up.

I’m curious about each High King of Westeros, but I understand that ultimately it more important to learn about the Velaryons. Either way this was a great fic and one I would recommend to anyone interested in a ASOIAF fanfic, so for one last time, good job.
8/9/2024 c74 Blasian Malaysian
Seriously bro, are you a thirsty Indian or a virgin loser? Are you fat rostie? Why is your fic is full of sex like an India man wet dream?
8/9/2024 c73 Blasian Malaysian
Inflation caused by the boomers greed and selfishness knowing in the future that its their grand kids the Millennials and Zoomers who will suffer.

Like inflation your Charecters cowardice will affect their children and risk more death. Killing the Targaryens will save many lives in the future and prevent future conflicts which are bound to happen.

Boomer may never suffer hyper-inflation and great recession they would die be for that, but the Zoomers will suffer and die.

Karma is blind. Karma is a bitch. Karma is consequences. To much wisdom is cowardice. To much wisdom and mercy is unnatural. Nature is life, and everything else is death.

Do not fish in the rubicon. Go all out.
8/9/2024 c73 Blasian Malaysian
I am sorry for assuming your Jewish. You’re a fucking Indian Pajeet(streetshitter)!
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