Just In
for High Tide (A Corlys Velaryon SI)

3/15/2024 c1 MCs are MSs
Meh the MCs are too mary sueish for me, everything's just perfect for them... Meh the king would've had him as easily assassinated as the Ottoman Sultans had their disloyal subjects killed.
3/15/2024 c57 mananshah771
Man you destroyed house dayne its a first man house its lineage longer than house targaryen.
3/15/2024 c57 Tony McNucklz
I forgot that the western lords of westeros would have all their navies and armies away when the ironborn attacked. That certainly does make things much worse. And withou the other dragonriders, finishing pacifying dorne is a much more tedious task. I maintain it would cost them far more simply because the locals can poison their water supplies. If they dump corpses in the wells at keeps, it would strain targaryen forces and supplies far more. dump them upriver of towns perhaps, use stakes to keep the bodies from moving so the rot carrys downstream. The fact poison is not so anathema to the locals is to me the biggest problem to deal with, it allows one single enemy to be a much greater threat if they're smart about how they use it. With water being so scarce, it means there are fewer targets they need to compromise to hit their enemy hard with supply problems. Granted there are fewer needing guarding as well, but i would have expected more dornish lords to poison the keeps water supply out of spite than seems to have happened.

With the armies and navy away, the ironborn really can carve a blood swath into the western coast, and far into the interior through the waterways. and worse for the targaryens, they have fewer riders than in dorne, yet have to worry about ironborn that can scatter across the reach, westerlands AND the riverlands. the dornish had hard targets in keeps and towns to hit, but the ironborn raiders are already in the field, already scattered, and no oases forcing them to be certain places if the targaryenskeep checking them. And the dragons can only patrol one river per dragon at a time, and have to be low to see what a ship is. And one ship is enough to sack smallfolk towns. In many ways, the ironborn problem should be a much more troublesome problem to conclude, which with Dorneish rebels getting less pressure from the reduced riders, will mean that also takes much longer. This simultaneous rebllion really is brilliant, and what's better is the Targaryens (as you showed with Gael) won't consider it possible such was coordinated by the Valaryons. And with the rogare scene, i'd say their gambit of the city making the unrest as an excuse certainly provides justification for them to use, however thin a cover it may be, having one matters. some Targaryens might wonder at the coincidence. Some will dismiss it outright because the timing and coordination alone on top of knowing the dornish invasion was coming on top of actually succeeding in somehow making the ironborn unwitting valaryon puppets would take resources and planning their pride won't let them believe Corlys and his brood to possess. I think it more likely such thoughts would be dismissed outright, and instead they will think the valaryons saw a fortuitous opportunity in lys and siezed it, rather than that any of it was planned. Really, without knowing of the Candles, the Valaryons can lever the world without anyone knowing it was them.

I still think my third favorite idea after coordinating information and orders across their agents and armies, and spying on their enemies, would be to visit lords and ladies drreams across Westeros to stir up trouble. Get the neighboring lords with bad history feeling paranoid and feuding. not brainwashing or controlling, just nudging grudges to respark problems. By volume, it will tie up their lords, and by extension the crown. Paralysing the Targaryens mitigating the feuds of their vassels. After all, if two loyal vassels are feuding, they can't just execute one without underming their own postion, they actually have to spend time arbitrateing, especially if the feuds are between families on historically tempestuous borders like the Reach and the Stormlands, which will get the lords paramount involved, which coyld get the crown involved and bogged down in sorting out petty disputes.

One thing missing, I am curious whether the Valaryons are causing any trouble for the Stepstones Hightowers. It seems strange they wouldn't use their conches to cause any problems there over the years, even if it's nothing connected to them and it's petty things. Make trouble for Otto out of spite at least. Just a passing thought.
3/7/2024 c56 Airchampion
I was waiting to see the Targaryen perspective of the Velaryons’ gains and I wasn’t disappointed, but their jealousy towards the Velaryons and the animosity that existed between Dorne and Westeros is having them be more brutal then needed which is going to guarantee that they are going to spend more time than necessary to pacify Dorne and when they do the damages from the war is going to make settling a pain. I’m surprised that the Targaryen didn’t establish a bank considering they brought the Faith and Maesters under their control.

I’m expecting their plans to distract the Targaryen is going to work, but there will be a chance that the Targaryens will realize who was behind the revolt and prepare for war against the Velaryons. I’m sad to see House Dayne wiped out but at least Dawn won’t go to waste, still if Jace doesn’t want Baela to suspect his plans why didn’t he follow up on gifting a Valyrian steel sword to Jaehaerys like they talked about. Also I’m surprised Mysaria is serving the Velyarons instead of Daemon, while I doubt he will see her for his original reason since he is happily married to his Valyrian wife, he could have sought her out to make a spy network to match the Velaryons’ spy network.

Finally this chapter prove to me something I should have realized a long time ago with this fic, is that I’m not going to get a unbiased perspective, except from someone who hate those descended from the Valyrians. Still good chapter, keep up the good work and can’t wait to see what happen next.
3/7/2024 c53 Kylec123
Jace needs to die, or be disinheritd he’s not a god leader
3/7/2024 c55 ZhaWarudo
Great chap.
Parachutes are good, I don't think armor with gliders would work...especially without modern synthetic fabrics.

They don't need to all go for the first strike to burn the Red Keep, 2 or 3 should be enough.
My idea is to pick off 2 dragons before going all in. This can also happen after Targarynes start the war, giving Velaryons moral high ground, and using glass candles to find to make the picks once they do something stupid like split the dragons between fleets, or just go scouting.

They might not want the Iron Throne, but really there's no choice but to take it. If they leave any surviving Targaryens(or at least not sent to the Wall), that will simply restart the war in few decades.

The other thing is ofc the sequel, it'd be irresponsible and lazy to leave Westeros to whoever wants the Throne and the Others, and have their great great great children fight an extremely difficult war, instead of an ez one.

Alternative is to destroy the Throne, and grow closer to the North so when the time comes, and the great great grandchildren read grandpa Corlys's diary, they can freely fly to the Wall to take care of the problem.
3/6/2024 c56 5MrKlortho
Interested to see what happens next.

I’m really struggling with this whole betrayal subplot though. I’ll admit it fits with the narrative, but personally this particular story choice just bums me out. It’s tough for me to read a characters inner thoughts of self hatred, and yet they continue to do the dumb-ish thing.

It’s Ike this sword of Damocles hanging over the entire story, and I can’t relax and enjoy the rest of the story until it’s resolved.

Like I said, this is just my personal taste. The story is well done overall.
3/6/2024 c56 NoodleBoss
This whole situation with Dorne is going to be a pain in the arse for the Targ's, not only are they making themselves an even bigger enemy of the remaining locals but their destruction of the infrastructure is going to make it even harder for peopl to set up shop in Dorne, and it's not like Dorne is worth it tbh.
3/5/2024 c56 ReQuien
Porfavor has que el jahaeris,hijo de Daemon y Daemon mismo muera, tienes para escoger, los escorpiones rojos, putas envenenadoras, hombres sin rostro o una flecha al ojo con una ballesta, tienes más para escoger.

Estos actos de la casa Targaryen son iguales o peores que los de Maegor en su época, debes darles un revés a los Targaryen por querer superar a los Velaryon, aunque sea Corlys no tenía pensado gobernar sobre cenizas.

Que Corlys nieto reclamé al caníbal, en un funeral en rocadragon cómo por un familiar caído en la guerra
3/5/2024 c56 Tony McNucklz
Even with dragons, gotta figure Dornish rebellions, insurrections and whatnot will cause endless trouble. They are rather known for poisons after all, wouldn't be surprised if most of the nobles getting land get a taste. Hell Daemon very well might. This was more along the lines of what i would expect an invasion to look like. I never looked into it much, but i imagined the plan to integrate the locals into the realm was what caused the Dornish the chance to rebuff the targaryens repeatedly. if the throne was just taking the land and damn the dornish, this would be the way to go. Still, I was hoping the Dornish would manage to slay a dragon again. Pity. Though poisoning those wells by the dornish and the Targaryens merciless destruction ought to get Daemon and Gael killed. Unlike the Conqueror who had an eye on after, and planned to unite the realm after taking it, here the Targaryens seem to be deliberately making an endless enemy of the locals. Dragons may be beyone peasants, but a bit poison in the tea is enough to kill their riders. And by destroying as much infrastructure as they did, generation upon generation will hate them. I think that Dorne will prove more trouble in the long run than it did in the taking, which can only be good for the Valaryons.

The Ironborn present a unique way to make trouble. If they aren't using distinctive ships, all they have to do to be protected from dragons is fly false flags/heraldry, and seperate into small groups. Reserve their longboats for going upriver to raid the interior, move at night. If the longboats are already in the riverways before word of their rebellion surfaces, they can hide the ships by day.

I maintain that Corlys (the elder) claiming a major dragon would be an excellent way to kick off the Dance. One thing that's strange, is it doesn't seem like they've tried to turn the Targaryens in their midst against the throne. Relying only on the children shouldn't have been the only plan when they have had years to work on getting them to spot their families flaws, their hostility, their threat to the children. Though what happened in Dorne, as a mere threat could be used to point out to their wives just how merciless and cruel a fate their children will have from their mothers families.
3/5/2024 c56 1Kaneki Ken10
I'm wondering if the Targaryens will be able to integrate new residents from the Reach and other lands in Dorne? That is, the Dornish have lived on this land for thousands of years and it probably took them a lot of time to adapt. So, even if the conquest ends successfully, they will work on it for a long time, spending a lot of resources.

I'm wondering why a virus can't be created to spread it across Westeros? This would seriously hurt the Targaryens, weakening them.
3/5/2024 c56 1UzuShiro
buen capitulo, el salto del tiempo estuvo bien, aunque creo que podrias haber echo un capitulo de transicion de las bodas y los naciemientos.
espero con ansias lo que viene a continuacion, tambien me da un poco de lastima que la situacion terminara asi por culpa de Rhaenys, creo firmemente que una solucion tipo Habsburgo hubiera sido lo ideal en este caso, pero supongo que es bastante mas complicado en Westeros donde los Targaryen simplemente se impusieron en el sistema feudal mas no lo modificaron o quitaron poder a los nobles, un error muy grande diria yo, ya sin dragon no tienen poder.
3/5/2024 c55 1GTI-1
Honestly Jacerys could easily convince Baela to fight House Velaryon. Think of what Aegon did, what he trued to do. He essentially wants to steal Jake and Lucerys birthright, not something that's to be done and it's a major breach of tradition. But by extension it would steal Baela's son inheritance, that could be the seed that laid the doubt for her to convince to fight House Velaryon. If Jace could manipulate her perspective to make it seem as if house Targaryen were the ones who were hostile in the first place, which they are.

Then he could convince her to willingly fight against them as it's not only her but her own sister that's getting robbed. Lying about this is eventually going to be found out and not end well so why not tell the brutal truth but make it in a way that they are the victims and try to convince her of choosing not house Velaryon or Targaryen but her own son or the parents who are willing to kill said son. A mother would naturally protect her own child even if the one who tries to kill her is the parent of the mother.

The Velaryons are planning a defensive war, one where House Targaryen fired the first shots, not them. If Jace planted the seed early, over time the hostility of House Targaryen towards her own son would show and she would instead be forced to choose, the strategy here is to make the forced choice significantly easier to the desired side which is by wording it as protecting their children against House Targaryen. That is a choice that whilst harsh could easily be made, I doubt Baela is a fanatic and she's rational so she whilst her heart may break would still choose her son over her own blood family. Jace could also go behind his parents back, or make it seem so, adding bonus points and convince her to be neutral or at least only defend her son, in time she'll be forced to fight anyways but this way will at least save the marriage between Jace and Baela so next chapter he should be thinking like this.

For what are the best of lies of which contains truth. The art of lying is to simply twist the truth around a lie so that it may be believable even if it's clearly false.
3/4/2024 c18 5Seprith Li Castia
This, stuff like this, is why Dragons Dance. I can understand Jaehaerys' concern for an ascendant House Velaryon, but that ship has pretty much already sailed; they have wealth to rival the Lannisters, knowledge to shame to the Citadel, and a fleet to rival everyone else combined. What he has essentially told them and every other rising House is that no matter your service or loyalty, House Targaryen will only take. Jaehaerys is the one who forced a Targaryen marriage on Corlys, and now he punishes him for that!

Really looking forward to seeing Corlys plan around this.
3/1/2024 c55 mathdump
personally, i dont think that marrying Daeron to Laena makes much strategic sense. They could be married outside of the family to secure alliances for the upcoming war. The reason why the Targaryens did so was hoard their dragons, but they also had the luxury of being unmatched militarily and not under imminent threat of extinction. The Velaryons are guaranteed to fight a war for survival in a generation; they dont have the luxury of planning giving up any military edges
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