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for High Tide (A Corlys Velaryon SI)

10/18/2023 c42 Zaytunger
ah if I were king I'd take their children hostage and then let them kowtow me in front of everyone. they're a disgrace to. or am I too tyrannical?
10/17/2023 c42 Visual Bliss
Peace in our time? Absolute power or the closest equivalent to it is the only thing that could allow anyone in a world like Asoiaf to gain 'Peace' but seeing as rhaenys believes that she has competition for the throne and daemon being daemon along gael following along with whatever her hubby does is going to cause problems
10/16/2023 c42 Ddog1310
cant wait for more
10/15/2023 c42 Maverick123214685
great story, please update!

if the targaryens try to renegotiate with the velaryons, I'd hope corlys is harder in reply. that negotiation is actually incredibly fair, and i dont think daemon truely understands how strong house velaryon is. for velaryon to submit further is ridiculous. they basically own the majority of essos, and are beyond rich. they're army and dragons could most likely severly damage the targaryens if this fell to war.
10/15/2023 c42 TehStorm
Yeah, i was expecting this from Daemon and Gael. What i didn't expect was how meekly Aemon and seven hells, even Aegon were here. Aegon loves Leana and was trying for years to marry her and when he's got his wish he sees his uncle trying to stop it because of his idiotic pride?

I expected him to defend his Grandfather here...Maybe I got the wrong impression of Aegon here and he doesn't really love Leana like i thought he did...

Also hope Viserra will bring Daemon and Gael down because those two are being too big for their britches. They want BOTH children of the future queen to marry their children...For what? What does a Princess with NO land and her husband, Lord fleebotton, that also doesn't have lands have to offer that would justify marrying BOTH heirs to the iron throne?

I hope the Velyrions will not back down here. I would totally understand Viserra and Corlys negotiating again but NEVER backing down. They didn't back down to Jaehaerys, i can't see them backing down for Lord Fleebotton.

I also hope to see Jace talling off Daemon and Gael in front of everyone. Hope he makes it humiliating.

Anyways, looking forward to see more!
10/15/2023 c42 outrageously common
well i hope every plan Gael and daemon have crash and burn infront of them
10/15/2023 c42 2Maternova
Aemon Chamberlain Targaryen, lol. I'm surprised to see Aemon learned as much as Hegel predicted from his father's history.
And do please give Daemon Dark Sister, along with, if possible, the sorcery both Visenya and canon Daemon were implied to have.
10/13/2023 c41 branphillips001
Aemon is the name of too few kings.
10/10/2023 c41 Guest
I love all of it. I just hope this has a happy ending for the velaryons and targaryens alike. Not gael and daemon tho.
10/9/2023 c41 Maternova
Hail, King Aemon, First of His Name, Lord of the Iron Throne, titles including and not limited to ... I'll leave that to the royal herald.
I'm genuinely surprised the trajectory was not Prince Aemon was found assassinated some day after the Velaryon's arrival King Jaehaerys dies of shock upon the news With Aemon dead, moderates lose their banner figure and collapse THERE WILL BE BLOOD SHED AND DRAGONS DANCING.
Still, good to see Aemon sit the Iron Throne. Hopefully this delays instead of accelerates the collapse of the House of the Dragon. After all, Daemon rode Caraxes in canon, and as of this point ITTL, Caraxes is still ridden by none other than King Aemon.
10/9/2023 c40 Maternova
IIRC Daemon in this world doesn't like the Velaryons much, and with how much you like to rehash and reorganize canon material, I'd wager if a Dance erupts, Daemon would be fighting the seahorses ITTL. I'm sure he would find a good match in this world's Jace Velaryon going by this chapter, who while not a Strong, is quite strong in his own right.
And generational conflict is such a classic way of destroying things. The older generation decides to bury the hatchet and hold hands ... and then for the next generation's aspirations and grudges, everything goes boom.
10/9/2023 c41 ZhaWarudo
I hope Corlys remembers how much of a psycho Daemon can be, and not be surprised by how much petty jealousy and greed can cause destruction and chaos.
10/8/2023 c41 TehStorm
Awesome chapter!

Ngl, if Aegon and Leana don't get together it would be very disappointing and i would be severely questioning Rhaenys and Aemon's intelligence. I would expect Gael, the idiotic scorned woman, to not see the benefits of Aegon Marrying Leana but everyone should see it.

I mean, what does Gael and Daemon brings to the table? NOTHING that the Velaryons can not bring and MORE.

Dragons? The Velaryons not only have more but also have bigger dragons. Wealth? Well, that's not even a comparison. Prestige? Well, again, comparing Lord Fleebotton with the Archon of Tyrosh and Lord of the tides...Not really a comparison to be made.

Not to mention how Aegon WANTS to marry Leana. I doubt Rhaenys and Aemon will be heartless to deny him when the marriage only brings advantages.

Still, i am very curious to see how the grudge between Daemon, Gael and Jace will develop here...
10/8/2023 c1 Guest
What's the point of a si if there never gonna have a pov might as well been an oc chachter
10/8/2023 c37 tsougrhs.59
yea.. the whole gael personality and how much you wanna make the old king look like the series viserys is weird copy of plot line
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