Just In
for High Tide (A Corlys Velaryon SI)

12/15/2020 c3 2Loremaster Endercreeper
I eagerly await more.
10/3/2020 c3 Guest
Even if it's a long wait between chapters I'll because your story is wonderful.
10/3/2020 c3 Josh b
Love this story let Corlys get a dragon like quicksilver or sunfyres size or whatever floats ur boat just hate it when mc gets the smallest dragon their is.
10/3/2020 c1 5CaptainRolo
Keep this up for few more chaters please
10/2/2020 c2 Josh b
The sea snake deserves to have a dragon
10/2/2020 c2 Josh b
Loved this story would love it if Corlys got a dragon on dragon stone without telling anyone just saying laenor had one why not Laena had one why not.
10/2/2020 c2 Guest
Love the idea for this story! Hope you will continue to write.
6/20/2020 c1 oijolijlkml
I love these types of fics, so thank you.
Most of them try doing stuff that actually took hundreds of years to build up to, its nice to start out with something as simple (I say simple when i would actually struggle with it myself) as a new design for ships.
6/20/2020 c1 Hadrian.Caeser
Love the start
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