Just In
for High Tide (A Corlys Velaryon SI)

6/21/2024 c68 Airchampion
So we finally gets a look at House Targaryen and see how House Velaryon early prep for war is working against House Targaryen since Rhaenys wants to continue centralizing the power of House Targaryen and the Iron Throne over Westeros which is a good idea but doing that at the same time as starting a war with a rival of equal power can ruin said plans.

I’m glad we got a look at Aegon and see how he is feeling about this whole situation as he not eager to fight House Velaryon (with the exception of Jace for understandable and predictable reasons). He does have a point, even if peace can still be made with House Velaryon now, there no telling with the future since Jace is a imperialist who is teaching his children that kind of mindset is right which would lead to House Velaryon growing stronger than House Targaryen and one day the Velaryons may decide that they can beat House Targaryen and try to take Westeros or at least parts of it later in the future.

We also got the reason why he and Helaena have so few children in comparison to the other Targaryens and Velaryons of their generation. Which is something I predicted but hoped to be wrong about, at least their marriage is better than Robert and Cersei.
6/21/2024 c69
This is so interesting! can't wait to read how this new version of the dance of dragons develops. also seeing as this is 312 A.C, is the winter fever going to play role in procedings?
6/21/2024 c69 Airchampion
So a recap chapter in the form of history lesson so that all of the readers are caught up with everything that happened during Act 2 of this story, given how long this story is and how long you been writing I have to say a chapter like this is necessary.

I like how you written this in a history lesson in a non biased manner as whoever wrote this acknowledges both sides at fault and the strengths and flaws of the figures on both sides. I’m interested in what history have to say about the Dance and it’s impact on the planet.
6/19/2024 c69 Guest
This story became rubbish, what a shame.
6/18/2024 c1 1210justinp
Corlys knows way too much and doesn't bother to hide it. Just your typical reincarnee know it all dropped in a medieaeval period.
6/16/2024 c69 12Dragon King of the West
This was a nice recap chapter and the long awaited Dance of the Dragons begins next chapter. House Targaryen will get a rude awakening when the dragon war commences and hopefully they will get a dose of reality when it ends.
6/14/2024 c1 1francesco99
Another SI wich has knowledge of EVERYTHING like a wikipedia, somewhat balanced by being shit at combat, though not really since targaryens can get dragons.
6/9/2024 c1 Guest
No creo que sea conveniente que un niño de 12 tenga a caníbal, si Vhagar era un dragón doméstico y adiestrado no pudo seguir las instrucciones de su jinete(Aemond), que asegura que Caníbal, un dragón salvaje que nunca fue domesticado no se coma a los dragones de los hermanos de su jinete o a sus propios hermanos?.
6/8/2024 c68 Maverick123214685
I feel you pushed it letting the targs claim the cannibal. I don’t think anyone should’ve been able to claim him.
6/8/2024 c68 Tony McNucklz
Pity, when you wrote the plans for one of the kids to claim the cannibal, i thought the plan was for the kid to be the first death in the growing hostilities, the first death caused by the tensions and escalations. seemed fitting. much as i might have enjoyed corlys riding the unridable dragon it makes sense he wouldnt since that only ever ends one way and he isn't a young man, but then i thought you had a much more interesting plan by aving Rhaenys blame the valaryons for her taking the risk of having one of the targaryens try to claim the dragon that has eaten all comers for centuries and it doing so again. the biggest reason i hoped the valaryons would claim the cannibal was to level the playing field before the war. the valaryons having more dragons but mostly smaller but at least having the most accomplished dragon killer would have given a more parative feel to things, but now by adding him to the targaryen roster it feels like you sracked the deck and removed quite a bit of uncertainty of how this would play out. the only hope the velaryons have at this point seems to be wolf packing the targaryens larger dragons, something they'd have needed to be training for years, though i forget if that was already part of their plans.

i really do hope there's a scene before the war where corlys lays it all out for the targaryens, including at some point a sentence like "how quickly inconvenient history fails to be taught to the next generation" or something before telling the younger targaryens that corlys was once the most loyal manhouse targaryen had, and his tale should be a lesson to rulers of the perils of kings who break faith, and that the most loyal vassels can become the most dangerous from betrayal. of course rhaenys and her generation already forgot that bit of history, of course they never told their children or grandchildren corlys and the conciliator were once friends. never bothered telling the whole of jaeharys' betrayal. I'd really like to see that laid out in full for the younger targaryens. i think it would be a delicious scene, and moreso the subsequent POVs where they plied the older targaryens for whether any of it was true. corlys might concieve the notion as a way to drive wedges in the targaryen ranks. this would pbviously have to come before my idea for him pulling a leonidas-inspired death to spark the war. possibly immediately before, telling these truths and then being summoned to the council to explain himself, and then doing the sacrifice scene then. he tells the younger targaryens that, then has a meeting with the older ones and dies there? some of the younger ones may even believe they murdered him.
6/8/2024 c68 12Dragon King of the West
As far as I am concerned the turmoil on the Targaryen side regarding the looming war between them and the Velaryons has just begun. I also like how Corlys and Viserra are just so done with the Targaryens and rightfully so because of the House of the Dragon's bad faith.

Rhaenys' is going to find out when the war begins just what she has sown over the decades by continuing Jaehaerys' negative ideals. Her son, Aegon is going to be emotionally and psychologically worse than Aemon is right now if he survives the Dance of the Dragons. Too late, too late shall be his cry.
6/7/2024 c67 Airchampion
Why am I thinking that Baela fear about the younger members of House Velaryon putting too much stock in the archsepton words will come true and bite House Velaryon in the worst possible way.
5/31/2024 c67 2Maternova
Interesting how you still decided to pass on some canon info to Corlys despite starting out with him not knowing about ASOIAF, though I like the method. How a mundane, "modern" self-insert mind reacts with a magical body in a fantasy world could create interesting conflicts, thankfully Corly ITTL did not suffer much due to his dysjunction.
He suffered quite a lot from other reasons, after all, including his own nature.
5/28/2024 c65 LordDarkness89
with 33 dragons,if they settle,they could conquer the world
5/27/2024 c50 LordDarkness89
seeing house velaryon military power,its kind of idiotic for house Targaryen not to settle with them
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