Just In
for High Tide (A Corlys Velaryon SI)

5/26/2024 c67 SuperSaiyanSlime
Huh. I guess the whole time I read this I assumed Corlys had no knowledge of ASOIAF. Maybe the events or actions he took through the story lead me to believe that, but I can't recall them clearly since it has been a while since I started to think that. Hearing him finally say something about it feels weird.
5/26/2024 c67 tabi24
Things are heating up
5/26/2024 c67 zilla boi
It hurt my soul to see Driftmark decay. The verlyons need to boobytrap Driftmark as a price to pay if the Targaryen want to take it.
5/20/2024 c66 Airchampion
Good job on the chapter, as everyone in Westeros who don’t have a dragon know that when the Dance happens, their own role in it will be minor and their best hope is to just survive it. House Stark position is understandable and the remaining allies of House Velaryon in Westeros could lead to dragon fights in the Vale. Also seeing just how unpopular House Targaryen have become is sad but to be expected given everything that happened, still I can’t wait to see how the Dance starts.
5/18/2024 c66 1UzuShiro
buen capitulo. espero el siguiente pronto.
5/18/2024 c66 hybridvoid reaper
This is one of the best stories i have ever read. It keeps your interest even after all this time. Hope it continues to get better and better as time goes
5/18/2024 c66 Tony McNucklz
Nice quote at the end.
5/14/2024 c65 tsougrhs.59
bad chapter
zero progress ,you just repeated hat ae already know !
really a waste of time chapter
5/14/2024 c65 gryphan.master900
Daemon is going to be awfully disappointed when his Queen starts the war he is dreading and not his despised son in law.
5/14/2024 c21 Guest
wonder if Corlys could make Tyrosh into a resort kind of land? at least for the beach sides

would be cool to see
5/14/2024 c21 Guest
would be cool if Corlys made steam engines

or would that be too much?

it would be like the fire nation Ships

maybe start small with Rail roads? thatd be awesome

he could totally connect all of essos lol

maybe bombs? thatd be cool

they have the alchemy guild afterall

im sure Corlys and them could do some wondrus and terrible things lol

they could also trade with the north too
5/14/2024 c65 Airchampion
So another Targaryen bites the dust, though considering that Baelon died, Alyssa dying soon after make sense, now Aemon is the only Targaryen of his generation left. Also I’m wondering is Vaegon and Maegelle still alive.

I find it’s funny that Daemon and Gael, the two Targaryens who were the biggest warhawks and haters of House Velaryon, now trying to be the moderates of House Targaryen. I feel bad for Daemon as he realizes what he stands to lose and the tragedy of the whole thing if his children and grandchildren fight each other and how it’s will pain him having to fight his daughters and their children.

Still the mindset within House Targaryen is that war is a likely outcome but they may be able to avoid it (with the exception of Rhaenys and Aegon), so they’re still behind House Velayron but better than their old mindset. Still Aegon wanting the younger Targaryens to claim Cannibal and Grey Ghost is an understandable reaction to Corlys the younger claiming Sheepstealer. Hopefully cooler heads will make sure to increase their chances of claiming those dragons.
5/14/2024 c65 Tony McNucklz
fely authentic to me. think that is where daemon would ultimately fall, siding with house targaryen, however i think he would find more resolve to avoid being forced to do so. looking at it as a matter of strategy, wherein cultivating peace passed his hated rivel's rule would mean his blood ruled the triarchy, and f he could cultivate bonds there amongst his grandchildren on both sides and keep Rhaenys and aegon restrained then it is simply a matter of waiting and he will win. hell, if he could get corlys the younger betrothed to aegons daughter, it would be (for daemon) a twicefold coup. funnily enough, taking a leaf out of how his own daughters were used to make him gael less wantful for war, perhaps he can do the same using aegons children. wouldn't e easy, but hanys isn't queen yet, and if he can 'win' by having her grandchild be the queenof the triarchy, she might restrain herself.

itis interesting seeing daemon realise how he has been maneuvered, seeing now how his daughters mairrages rendered him far less bloodthirsty, even if he still loathes their husbands.
5/14/2024 c65 12Dragon King of the West
As of this chapter, Daemon is finally confronted by the effects of his past actions but while he's conflicted now, his feelings are mostly Pro-Targaryen. This isn't very conducive to Alyssa's last wishes for him to prevent war between the Targaryens and the Velaryons thus I fear it would take the upcoming Dance of Dragons for Daemon to completely realize and regret spreading Jaehaerys' toxic ideals regarding the Velaryons during the time when the relationship between the two houses had potential to be mended thus preventing this very scenario of looming conflict.
5/13/2024 c64 gryphan.master900
The egg in the cradle thing makes me wonder about if GRRM read the inheritance cycle with how dragon rider eggs pick who they hatch for.
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