12/16/2024 c37
9Gaim no Kaze
I'm surprised you threw in a Percy Jackson crossover here, if only for a small chapter. Very much looking forward to this since I can see it's in the Last Olympian

I'm surprised you threw in a Percy Jackson crossover here, if only for a small chapter. Very much looking forward to this since I can see it's in the Last Olympian
12/16/2024 c37 Between Calm and Storm
Percy Jackson crossovet, nice.
Should be a fun way to mix things up for a bit and get some new character interactions weapons for UBW.
Percy Jackson crossovet, nice.
Should be a fun way to mix things up for a bit and get some new character interactions weapons for UBW.
12/16/2024 c37 Guest
12/16/2024 c37 Guest
Bruh you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for a Percy Jackson crossover. This is great for small one shot that doesn’t need to drag one forever. This allows for other crossovers as well.
Bruh you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for a Percy Jackson crossover. This is great for small one shot that doesn’t need to drag one forever. This allows for other crossovers as well.
12/16/2024 c37 Guest
Definitely gonna enjoy this side quest….and PJO verse reactions to such Nasuverse Bullshit
Definitely gonna enjoy this side quest….and PJO verse reactions to such Nasuverse Bullshit
12/16/2024 c37 Bucio
Well this looks to be a fairly peculiar interlude (will give chance for more mini X-Ovesr? In other interludes); Well, starting with Shirou, interfering to save Servant Nero Beast - Queen Draco -, more energetically, ordering the departure of that singularity, although, given what/who forgot Shirou (Shakespeare), and what Servant said, despite the departure from Chaldeas teams, indicates that not everything had ended
And explains the sudden deviation of Shirou to another world (with our protagonist fearing the worst for Romani - who this time is innocent-, whom his -Shirou - Alters could massacrate for the sudden absence of their Master), where is there another lost grail?, with Shirou taken there by a Goddess (?), who asks for his help, to recover the grail in that alternate world
Where after exploring a little we realize where Shirou ended, in the world of PJ, although before trying to use his magic (to connect/look for a leyline) and contact Chaldea, being interrupted nothing less than by a Servant, who immediately recognizes that he is a Master and who takes Shirou where a mini group of them is (Archer/Orion, Rider/Achilles, Lancer/Leonidas and Saber/Jason), with Archer being who puts Shirou up to date with the situation (Gods still present, a magic that separates to the normal world of supernatural - created by Hécate - and a mysterious guy, The General, who commands a great monster army and who may have the lost grail, making a certain Titan the enemy to beat)
And who (Archer) feels at that time, an attack on one of the places they had explored before (the Half-Blood camp, a place with many children), which leads them to act, being that place attacked by an endless army of monsters; and while he, Rider, Archer and Saber, they take care of the rest of the army, Shirou sends Lancer to defend the camp, to the surprise of the demigods (Percy, Thalia and Clarisse), who already believed the situation lost, until the arrival of an adult warrior, plus the incredible skills he displays, when using his NP, that allows Leonidas to call the 300 Spartans
What even Ares seems to perceive and surprised him and the other gods for what they perceive, and observe, just let them see the other Servants to act, heroes that they should recognize; in addition to shock when seeing another Orion, very different from what is the enemy of the hunters (If PJ Orion has not died, would see an Orion vs Orion?) without talking about what Shirou himself is able to do (assuming that who brought it to that world, allows him access to a magic source to use without problems his skills and even UBW)
Now, Shirou has already found four Servants, with whom he can work without problems (even Jason, who is quite unfriendly, which is nothing new for Shirou, considering his servants), all Greeks, the detail is, the three servants remaining, would be allies or enemies?, because those who are missing are, Caster, Assassin and Berserker; who, given the previous Servants would also be of Greek origin, being able to be any of these:
- Caster: Medea (Normal - Only to f*** Jason - or Lily), Circe, Asclepius
- Assassin: Stheno (the only Greek Servant of this type, outside of God Machine Aphrodite)
- Berserker: Heracles, Atalanta Alter, Galatea, Asterios, Penthesilea
(Any woman among them?, although if we are going with Shirou's usual fate in this fic, it is possibly an Alter - Atalanta -); In addition to Shirou to have to face a certain Titan, responsible for that army
Also being curious, since in the previous interlude, they did not obtain new servants, out of meeting Mysterious Heroine X; if in this interlude there would be one or another that react with Shirou); The reactions of the demigods, seeing someone else helping them, and not just their gods parents; see if Shirou would win more fans there, like Thalia or the followers of Artemis, more when seeing Shirou's skills with the Bow (or if, as in another certain X-Over, it is Shirou who is responsible for eliminating PJ Orion)
In addition to the reactions in Chaldea, if, despite having the Grail, the readings of that singularity still show, that Septem is not over yet, and without the possibility of returning to look for Shirou, and if the Angels, err, Shirous Alters, they would make Romani fear for his life, especially if Nero Alter is also awake; at least until Shirou is able to communicate with them (at the end of that interlude, I suppose, and if the Alters's joy would change to irritation if Shirou takes with him, another Alter - Atalanta? - )
It was good to see a new chapter of this fic, I hope it continues to win to see more of this interlude soon
Good luck and keep it up
Well this looks to be a fairly peculiar interlude (will give chance for more mini X-Ovesr? In other interludes); Well, starting with Shirou, interfering to save Servant Nero Beast - Queen Draco -, more energetically, ordering the departure of that singularity, although, given what/who forgot Shirou (Shakespeare), and what Servant said, despite the departure from Chaldeas teams, indicates that not everything had ended
And explains the sudden deviation of Shirou to another world (with our protagonist fearing the worst for Romani - who this time is innocent-, whom his -Shirou - Alters could massacrate for the sudden absence of their Master), where is there another lost grail?, with Shirou taken there by a Goddess (?), who asks for his help, to recover the grail in that alternate world
Where after exploring a little we realize where Shirou ended, in the world of PJ, although before trying to use his magic (to connect/look for a leyline) and contact Chaldea, being interrupted nothing less than by a Servant, who immediately recognizes that he is a Master and who takes Shirou where a mini group of them is (Archer/Orion, Rider/Achilles, Lancer/Leonidas and Saber/Jason), with Archer being who puts Shirou up to date with the situation (Gods still present, a magic that separates to the normal world of supernatural - created by Hécate - and a mysterious guy, The General, who commands a great monster army and who may have the lost grail, making a certain Titan the enemy to beat)
And who (Archer) feels at that time, an attack on one of the places they had explored before (the Half-Blood camp, a place with many children), which leads them to act, being that place attacked by an endless army of monsters; and while he, Rider, Archer and Saber, they take care of the rest of the army, Shirou sends Lancer to defend the camp, to the surprise of the demigods (Percy, Thalia and Clarisse), who already believed the situation lost, until the arrival of an adult warrior, plus the incredible skills he displays, when using his NP, that allows Leonidas to call the 300 Spartans
What even Ares seems to perceive and surprised him and the other gods for what they perceive, and observe, just let them see the other Servants to act, heroes that they should recognize; in addition to shock when seeing another Orion, very different from what is the enemy of the hunters (If PJ Orion has not died, would see an Orion vs Orion?) without talking about what Shirou himself is able to do (assuming that who brought it to that world, allows him access to a magic source to use without problems his skills and even UBW)
Now, Shirou has already found four Servants, with whom he can work without problems (even Jason, who is quite unfriendly, which is nothing new for Shirou, considering his servants), all Greeks, the detail is, the three servants remaining, would be allies or enemies?, because those who are missing are, Caster, Assassin and Berserker; who, given the previous Servants would also be of Greek origin, being able to be any of these:
- Caster: Medea (Normal - Only to f*** Jason - or Lily), Circe, Asclepius
- Assassin: Stheno (the only Greek Servant of this type, outside of God Machine Aphrodite)
- Berserker: Heracles, Atalanta Alter, Galatea, Asterios, Penthesilea
(Any woman among them?, although if we are going with Shirou's usual fate in this fic, it is possibly an Alter - Atalanta -); In addition to Shirou to have to face a certain Titan, responsible for that army
Also being curious, since in the previous interlude, they did not obtain new servants, out of meeting Mysterious Heroine X; if in this interlude there would be one or another that react with Shirou); The reactions of the demigods, seeing someone else helping them, and not just their gods parents; see if Shirou would win more fans there, like Thalia or the followers of Artemis, more when seeing Shirou's skills with the Bow (or if, as in another certain X-Over, it is Shirou who is responsible for eliminating PJ Orion)
In addition to the reactions in Chaldea, if, despite having the Grail, the readings of that singularity still show, that Septem is not over yet, and without the possibility of returning to look for Shirou, and if the Angels, err, Shirous Alters, they would make Romani fear for his life, especially if Nero Alter is also awake; at least until Shirou is able to communicate with them (at the end of that interlude, I suppose, and if the Alters's joy would change to irritation if Shirou takes with him, another Alter - Atalanta? - )
It was good to see a new chapter of this fic, I hope it continues to win to see more of this interlude soon
Good luck and keep it up
12/16/2024 c37 Guest
I can feel my chest hairs growing at the sheer Manliness of this man.
I can feel my chest hairs growing at the sheer Manliness of this man.
12/16/2024 c37
7Blast Ketchup
Regarding the PJ crossover, short as it may be... a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one!
It's probably asking a lot, but I'd love to see Gorgon (from FGO) interact with the PJ characters.
She's not the Medusa they know, that's for sure.

Regarding the PJ crossover, short as it may be... a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one!
It's probably asking a lot, but I'd love to see Gorgon (from FGO) interact with the PJ characters.
She's not the Medusa they know, that's for sure.
12/16/2024 c37
I didn't care much for this story but I like this arc with the riordanverse. It reminds me of Lost ero of Chaldea. I liked Shirou's observation about children fighting monsters, they could all be demigods but it's illogical and selfish of the Olympians to send children to fight their battles and do their dirty work. All because of Zeus and his hypocritical attitude that hurts everyone.

I didn't care much for this story but I like this arc with the riordanverse. It reminds me of Lost ero of Chaldea. I liked Shirou's observation about children fighting monsters, they could all be demigods but it's illogical and selfish of the Olympians to send children to fight their battles and do their dirty work. All because of Zeus and his hypocritical attitude that hurts everyone.
12/16/2024 c37 Jkwl
Oh never mind? The way she’s defending this “mystery” man? No one else fits the bill but Medea lily. Makes me wonder how things will shake out in Okeanos.
Oh never mind? The way she’s defending this “mystery” man? No one else fits the bill but Medea lily. Makes me wonder how things will shake out in Okeanos.
12/16/2024 c37 Jkwl
Wait is this not battle of manhattan? I assumed it was since Selina was mentioned to be in dire straits. Then again, mortals all across NY should be asleep.
Could it be battle of Labyrinth? I’d be surprised if this is at any point past TLO, though the mention of Selina could’ve been done to throw us off. Certainly did so to me. To be fair, it is a singularity, so everything’s game as far as I’m concerned.
Wait is this not battle of manhattan? I assumed it was since Selina was mentioned to be in dire straits. Then again, mortals all across NY should be asleep.
Could it be battle of Labyrinth? I’d be surprised if this is at any point past TLO, though the mention of Selina could’ve been done to throw us off. Certainly did so to me. To be fair, it is a singularity, so everything’s game as far as I’m concerned.
12/16/2024 c1 Jkwl
Ah, I think I know. Is the lavender haired woman, the personification of either Elpis or ALAYA itself?
It makes more sense as I think about it. Gaea has a physical incarnation in this world though it’s slumbering so why not Alaya when humanity is obviously thriving? Heck, in this verse the divine rely on humanity to sustain them via worship. Even if they are obscenely powerful, ultimately they can’t do anything without man. It’s obvious that Alaya would intervene since it’s a singularity, we’ve seen how the PJO cast gets things done without problem in canon therefore not needing her assistance.
Ah, I think I know. Is the lavender haired woman, the personification of either Elpis or ALAYA itself?
It makes more sense as I think about it. Gaea has a physical incarnation in this world though it’s slumbering so why not Alaya when humanity is obviously thriving? Heck, in this verse the divine rely on humanity to sustain them via worship. Even if they are obscenely powerful, ultimately they can’t do anything without man. It’s obvious that Alaya would intervene since it’s a singularity, we’ve seen how the PJO cast gets things done without problem in canon therefore not needing her assistance.