Just In
for Foolish

4/26/2004 c1 9AJ Maxwell
Poor Kosh, I really feel for him...I still don't trust Sendoh, though. *sighs* *pats Kosh comfortingly*
10/25/2003 c1 3Rumiko Nadajima
Hi mayumi dear. Was digging around for SenKosh fics and i thought of you. ^^ I really like this one. So emotional. *floats away*
5/29/2003 c1 45Hana Rui
Hm… now, how do I know sendoh *is* telling the truth this time? *grins suggestively* Just kidding ^-^ Wow, I'm glad you found this one out after a year. This one's really nice. First fic I've read on SenKosh, actually and I really find the pairing cool because of it. Ganbatte, ne mayumi-chan! ^_^

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