Just In
for Dragon of the Eldritch

2/13 c37 4keybladedude
I stumbled across this completely randomly, and it absolutely sucked me in. I am eagerly looking forward to future updates!
2/8 c1 Guest
I'm curious what Kunou and Yasaka will do in Issei's harem?
In my opinion they would be Issei's mikos
2/7 c1 Guest
Okay. Insert the Hiccup Nightfury and light fury meme. Azathoth asking Issei out is Night Fury, Everyone who has no idea about the CYOA is light fury, everyone who does is Hiccup.

2/5 c37 Guest
Good chap
2/3 c37 Ryu wolf
Great job with this chapter
2/3 c37 1R-king 93
Awesome chapter
2/2 c34 jemhadar123
sombody translate the polish please?
1/31 c37 slydino
Wonderful chapter. Great job and keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter.
1/31 c37 Biolove
Liking this story so far! Nice to know Issei stood on business too with that 'chump' heh. I hope he still keeps at least some of his 'humanity' even once he eventually becomes fully Eldritch. Mainly his kindness for his friends or family or loved ones.
1/30 c37 Guest
nice little introspection and pep talk this chapter
1/30 c37 2A10riddick
Great chapter! Can't wait for the next one!

Loving the story so far!

Let's not forget to let them know of the changes that are to come! Will they be able to go back living in the city again?

Why do you say future selves not self? It sounds like he will have multiple bodies not just a single mass.

Love the future flashing and Aza trying to be good to not peek at his future body!
1/30 c36 A10riddick
Great chapter!

Love that Issei is dealing with with left over problem now!

Would be interesting/hilarious if he can convert him to be a her
1/29 c35 A10riddick
Great chapter!

Glad they dealt with everything so far and some without bloodshed!
1/29 c37 Guest
love it
1/29 c2 midnightscar17
Wouldn't this fall in a crossover situation
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