Just In
for Legacy of the Speed Force

3/20/2023 c11 6Ace Xavier Omni Productions
How is this better than the later seasons of the real thing?
3/13/2023 c4 Ace Xavier Omni Productions
Anyone else think of Palpatine when Thawn said ‘my apprentice’?
He kind of is similar to Palpatine when you realize it. Someone you think is an ally and mentor to you, but is really manipulating you all along.
3/13/2023 c2 Ace Xavier Omni Productions
Barry’s a grandpa?!
Ralph’s never going to let him live this down.
3/13/2023 c1 Ace Xavier Omni Productions
I thought he’d be Snow-Allen
1/20/2023 c11 Guest
I know it’s been a few years, but I hope you come back to this, it’s a great story!
11/26/2022 c4 Guest
Snowbarry is bad enough. The way you're writing it makes it worse. No one is talking or acting like themselves in this story. You're writing this like a 12 year old girl.
10/15/2022 c1 Attmay33
Great story hope you post another chapter soon!
8/12/2022 c11 Guest
Hey I know it’s been a couple of years, but I hope you come back to this story!
6/19/2022 c5 Ebenezerbr
It was getting real good but this chapter of "redemption" completely ruined for me.
6/19/2022 c5 Ebenezerbr
It was getting real good but this chapter of "redemption" ruined for me.
3/11/2022 c11 7The PhantomHokage
Very interesting story I really enjoying it and hope you’ll continue it soon
2/26/2022 c11 Guest
Please continue this story, it’s so good!
11/7/2021 c11 dillon
pls update soon this story is really good
11/7/2021 c1 Dillon Hume
Pls update
10/7/2021 c11 Guest
Please update
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