Just In
for The Psycho Karen Collection

4/9/2022 c1 Ms.Northman90
I can't believe Karen went off like that to the young girl because of her card was declined.. but I always knew Karen can be a hothead if she don't get her way..
9/10/2021 c1 user120382829
I always did feel bad for Karen. She was such an interesting character. I like how you showed her resentment, but didn't turn her into one of those heartbroken women who mope and do nothing. She's still Psycho Karen, no doubt about it.
7/16/2020 c1 Chrissyfan
I loved it. Kudos to you both.
7/15/2020 c1 2Jisbonseebonesfan2776
this was funny
7/15/2020 c1 5Ljd21690
Welcome to Monk fandom! This is a very original idea that has the potential to be very entertaining. This first one certainly made me laugh. It's been a while since I've seen an episode with Karen, but I think you captured her well. It's funny that she hates T.K. so much for "stealing" her husband and sons when she's the one who wanted the divorce. Ha! Well, she always did seem a little crazy.
7/14/2020 c1 5KittyKat06
Welcome to the fandom and congratulations on your first one-shot. Your summary made me laugh!

Haha, I love that Karen has a dartboard-style picture of T.K. in her house, and man, just reading through all of what Karen doesn't eat makes me exhausted. It's a wonder she doesn't starve :P She would be the type to use Leland's name and rank to get her way when she wants things, wouldn't she?
7/14/2020 c1 12MonkNotJunk
Welcome to the world of fanfic authors! And congratulations on writing something truly original! She's a wack job alright :) Found myself laughing throughout. Psycho Karen is Cray-Cray. Looking forward to more!

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