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12/6/2023 c13 Guest
Sorry for the earlier rant but it really felt like the reason for soul summons’s first use was “we need to introduce this new, foreshadowed power and the best way to do that is some bullshit who’s reason is because plot and nothing else
12/6/2023 c13 Guest
The whole soul summon thing is a nice gimmick but you introduced it in the stupidest way possible. Like, it wasn’t in a climactic battle against the nomu where izuku was being pushed to his limits, struggling and hope seeming lost. No it was fucking 2-bit trash mobs that he’d just got finished absolutely destroying, just ragdolling the fuckers, only for them to suddenly be fine and comeback for round three with Izuku getting a random debuff. And then his teammates just get there asses handed to them.. It’s an absolute fucking disgrace.
12/6/2023 c13 Guest
I like the story so far but fucking hell the amount of bullshit and plot holes in chapter 13. Were you high when you wrote that shit
9/17/2023 c13 Guest
“ Rip… And… Tear”
9/17/2023 c9 Guest
I imagine that sounding like that one Megamind scene
9/17/2023 c3 Guest
When it comes to quests and stuff it’s like Fallout?
9/17/2023 c1 Guest
I kinda wanna see the Time-Stop again BUT someone is nearby with a quirk that somehow makes them immune to it, like Flashman.
5/25/2023 c13 Guest
“ I am your DOOM, I am ETERNAL!”-JT Music
5/25/2023 c8 Guest
How would he interact with Shigi?
4/15/2023 c16 devildogg237
A year later, you all still working on this?
1/13/2023 c4 6Primus2021
Just realized, poor o Halo was abandoned back at that ally? And neither Izuku nor All Might went back for her, and Gami, hasn't mentioned anything about dropping her from the party, so what is going on with that?
1/13/2023 c3 Primus2021
I remember the name and series! Melona of Queen's Blade, she is both a Slime girl and a Bunny girl, lol.
1/13/2023 c1 Primus2021
Quick question? 2 actually... First, did Ochako meet AfO aka Hisashi Midoriya and he took her Zero G quirk in exchange for the slime quirk?

Second, is she more like Suu from Daily life with a Monster Girl? A Slime like the ones from Monster Girl Encyclopedia? Or... I don't know the name or anime/game, but she's a slime with like Bunny ear arms that grab her bust, is she like her?
1/7/2023 c10 Guest
At this point you’re just Bulls$& ing reality
1/7/2023 c4 Guest
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