11/21/2021 c1 81SunRise19
Aww, this was really sweet! Loved this! I know it's a one-shot but I think it so cute and slow how they got to know one another before going into a relationship. Awesome job! And, the way you wrote about blindness was really cool and not cringe :)
Aww, this was really sweet! Loved this! I know it's a one-shot but I think it so cute and slow how they got to know one another before going into a relationship. Awesome job! And, the way you wrote about blindness was really cool and not cringe :)
7/25/2020 c1 82Starwatcher2018
Taking Christine's nearsightedness to another level was really creative. So nice to see Erik not have to be concerned about how he looks with her at all.
Taking Christine's nearsightedness to another level was really creative. So nice to see Erik not have to be concerned about how he looks with her at all.
7/23/2020 c1 Guest
This was so sweet! Love these two together and the storyline. Please continue. This was really good.
This was so sweet! Love these two together and the storyline. Please continue. This was really good.